The hunt for Absolom

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1st POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open, stinging from the bright sun in my face. I shielded my vision using my hand, taking in my surroundings as I took notice of the hum of engines and blades shearing through the wind. My eyes fully opened once I remembered that I was supposed to be flying a bullhead.

I pushed through the pain in my eyes as I looked through the windshield, seeing nothing but empty ocean and a very distant island slowly fading into view. For such a ridiculously long flight, I'm surprised I had enough fuel to make the trip.

Once I finally made it to the shoreline, I decided that I didn't want to bother with landing this damn thing, so I simply opened the side door and jumped out. I quickly regretted my decision as I forgot about the status of my semblance, my heart almost stopping as I flailed around in the sky, trying to hover before I splattered against the ground. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to, and I died on the spot.


Thank you all for reading my story! I really hope you enjoyed it, and congratulations for making it to the end :)

Okay, fine, I'll retcon his death...

Luckily for me, my powers didn't randomly go away, and a blue aura built up to surround my hands and feet. My fall was interrupted as I now hovered several feet above the ground, wobbling in the air before landing firmly on the coarse sand. I gazed upon the vast sand dunes, feeling the crisp, spicy air burn my exposed skin as sweat was already forming on my body. Scanning the area, I took a quick glance to my right, seeing the familiar coastal settlement of kuo kuana. A grin found its way on my face as I placed my hands on my hips, before all four of my ears were flooded with the loud boom of a bullhead crashing into the sand behind me, kicking up a large amount of sand in the process. My grin quickly faded into a scowl, closing my eyes before any sand particles had the opportunity to live in my eyes. A sigh escaped my lips, as I started casually walking in the direction of my checkpoint.

It wasn't long before I found my way inside the bustling settlement, my hands hiding in my pockets as I took notice of the fleeing faunus, all screaming bloody murder as gunfire could be heard in the distance. From my own memory, it wasn't all too common for mass shootings to occur, so I slowly wandered in the direction of the commotion to find out what was going on. Now passing the boardwalks and getting out of the shallows, I could see the culprit of the chaos, a man donning bulky black armor whilst wielding a laser rifle, firing a burning hot hue of red light towards the fleeing faunus. Corpses littered the streets as bullets flew towards the man, none of which could penetrate the man's advanced armor. Although there were dozens of bodies, none of the corpses quite matched the shooter's attire. I looked on in curiosity, now taking notice of a familiar monkey man attempting to subdue the armed stranger. Between his blonde hair and lack of style, I experienced a flashback of the night I reunited with ruby and yang...

Snapping out of my head, I kneeled down slightly, launching myself toward the armored man as I built up aura in my hand, connecting a powerful hit to his helmet. A splash of blood covered the side of my face as his helmet was launched to a nearby market stand, although his head technically never left the safety of his helmet. His now headless corpse stood still for only a second as it gushed red, before slumping over to my feet. I casually repositioned myself into a casual stance, looking over to my left to see a shocked sun and Blake belladonna, eyes bulging as they took notice of me.


Blake:..what do you mean "hey"!? Why are you even here!?

Y/n: no, why are you here!?

Blake: I was literally born and raised here...

Y/n:.. actually, that's a good point. So uh, I'm not dead, if you were wondering. What's going on? What have you guys been up to since the whole beacon fiasco? Also, did I kill a bad guy or a good guy?

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