the vytal festival

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Quick warning: this is a long ass chapter. You might wanna get comfortable before you read it

Y/n pov:

I had woken up to the sounds of rustling, and when I turned to look at my surroundings, I saw team RWBY hurrying to get ready for the day. Oh, right, the vytal festival is today.

I jumped down off of the bed, and stretched once I was on my feet. I held my hand out and closed my fist, and I was satisfied to see the glowing blue huge from my semblance.

Y/n: welp, it was nice hanging out with you guys, but I really have to get to my team now. I hope you guys win your first round.

Ruby: thanks bro!

Ruby latched onto my side and hugged me, and I left the room once she had let go. Instead of actually going to meet my team, I had gone to see cinder and friends.

Y/n: so, you guys excited for the festival?

Cinder: I guess you could say that. Do you know if you're participating or not?

Y/n: no, actually, I'll have to check in with my team once we get there.

Cinder: I hope you are, because you're necessary for the plan. I swear, you'll end up ruining everything due to your lack of care. The next time you're involved in something as important as this, pay attention!

I walked out of the dorm, not before flipping off mercury, and I walked out to meet up with my team, who should be preparing to leave for the first round of the vytal festival.

I was waiting next to the bullheads that were going to take us to the vytal festival, and a smile grew on my face once I see my team approaching. Kane ran up to me with a gleeful smile on his face, and held his hand up for me to high five. Are hands connected with a slapping sound, and he got even more excited than he was before.

Kane: hell yeah, you guys ready to kick some ass!?

Ash: affirmative. Y/n, it's nice to see you again. Despite the fact that you have been placed on our team, I couldn't help but notice that you have barely interacted with us.

Y/n: yeah, sorry about that, but I had more important things to do.

Ash: such as robbing a bank and bullying small children?

Y/n: uh...I gave his bike back, ok? So, how about we get this show on the road?

Kane: hell yeah, let's GO!!

Kane had pushed us all in the bullhead, and we set off flying towards the vytal festival with a few other beacon students in the bullhead.

Y/n: so, am I participating in the fighting?

Kane: well of course you are! You're on our team, after all.

Y/n: oh, well that's, I've never seen anything involving the vytal festival. What's it like?

Kane: you've never...oh, you are gonna have a blast. Basically, we'll be fighting in a giant, and I mean GIANT stadium surrounded by spectators, and we'll be fighting other students from other schools in a fully randomized arena!

Y/n: huh, I take it you're really excited about this.

Kane: no, not really-OF COURSE I AM!
I've been looking forward to this ever since I came to beacon!

After our short flight, the bullhead had landed, and we all stepped out and started walking towards the behemoth of a stadium that was Infront of us. Our team was scheduled for the first battle of the festival, so we had gone straight to one of the interior areas that lead to the arena.
Outside, I could hear the chatter of what sounded like hundreds of people.

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