that other train in my life

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3rd pov:

Late at night In the waiting room of the beacon infirmary, the three huntresses yang, Blake and Weiss anxiously awaited the nurse's results on ruby's current condition. Shortly after the fight between y/n and teams RWBY and JNPR, ruby had passed out due to her injuries. Yang had been pacing back and forth in the waiting room, while Blake was sat in one of the seats, with her stomach turning in knots. Weiss however, was more angry than worried.

Weiss: I told you that he wasn't going to talk it out!

Yang: I know that, but I think he wanted to!

Weiss: what could possibly give you that idea?

Yang: you saw him check on ruby when her aura broke, he still cares! He must...he must've been forced to fight us by that roman guy!

Blake: I'm not so sure yang...

Before yang could question her partner, a pair of doors had opened, with ruby and a nurse slowly walking out. Yang had instantly leaped on top of ruby and wrapped her arms around her sister, and gave her one of her infamous yang hugs.  Blake soon joined in on the embrace, shortly followed by a reluctant Weiss.

Ruby: can't...breathe...

Yang quickly released ruby from her grip, and patted her on the back while the nurse had stepped up to speak.

Nurse: your friend here is in near perfect condition, but I would still avoid extreme exercises for the time being. At least until you fully recover. Since you're doing fine now, you're no longer my problem.

The rude nurse left the waiting room and returned through the doors that she had came from, leaving team RWBY to decide what to do next.

Yang: well, It is pretty late, so I guess we should head back to the dorms. And besides, we need to rest up for tomorrow's trip to Mt. Glenn.

The four huntresses had left the infirmary, now wandering through beacon's halls In momentary silence.

Ruby: so, what happened after I passed out?

Yang: well, y/n turned back to fight us again, then he just left right after.

Ruby: what, why?

Blake: it looked like someone was talking to him through his earpiece, so he probably got called for something important.

Ruby was in thought for a moment, still processing what had happened leading up to her passing out. It was clear to her that her brother was powerful, but he didn't have the bloodlust that Blake and Weiss had described beforehand.

Although y/n had almost seriously hurt her, ruby still felt depressed thinking of him. She had been so focused on y/n, that she hadn't realized that they made it to their dorm.

Walking into their dorm, the four had gotten dressed for bed. They were exhausted from getting tossed around by y/n, and they only have a few hours until they need to get up for their trip in the morning. Tomorrow, the four huntresses are going to Mt. Glenn with Dr. oobleck to investigate an underground crime ring.

Ruby found herself struggling to fall asleep. Instead, her mind was racing around the thought of her lost brother. All she wants is to be happy with both of her siblings, however, she wasn't sure if that was possible. Hugging her pillow for comfort, she eventually drifted to sleep.

Y/n pov:

It's been days since the bad news, and I was still heart broken over the death of sienna Kahn. She had been the only motherly figure in my life since I've gotten my semblance. And to know that she's gone...

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