life is a trainwreck

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Y/n's pov:

It's been three years since I've left the family, and things haven't gotten much better. Having no where else to go, I joined the white fang, where I met Sienna, and my now best friends Adam and Blake.

At first, I was a proud member of the white fang. Fighting for equality between faunus and humans, helping those who were victims of racism, until the entire white fang just...changed...

But that doesn't matter at the moment. Right now, we had a train full of atlas technology to rob.

Me, Adam, Blake and the four other white fang members all stowed away in the back of the train. Carefully and quietly waiting for the door to be unlocked, we all took cover behind our own cargo box, preparing for the surprise attack we planned against the soldiers in the next train cart.

Once the four nameless members were given the signal by Blake, they kicked open the door, only to get gunned down instantly.

Adam: what the-they knew we were here!?

Building up blue energy in my hands, I quickly rushed Infront of the door, and launched two blue orbs of devastation at the soldiers, blasting them to the side. Once they were down, I closed my fists, summoning a blue aura around each of the soldiers and tossed them wall to wall as adam rushed in to cut them in half like sheets of paper.

Advancing through the train carts, we reached a section of the train loaded with atlesian knights ready to murder any of us that gets in their line of sight.

Just as Adam was about to rush in and decimate everything and anything in our path, Blake charged forward into the train cart filled with murderous tin cans. I was expecting her to at least get shot at, but I didn't hear a single shot fired.

Peeking around the corner to investigate, I nearly lost my head to several dozen bullets being fired all at once, but not before I could catch a glimpse of Blake just standing behind the robots without being targeted.

Blake: Adam, y/n, please stand down. The train is going to stop soon, and law enforcement will handle you from there. I'm sorry it had to come down to this, but you left me no choice...

I felt sadness and betrayal build up inside me as I realized was was happening. Looking over towards Adam to see how he was reacting, I saw that he looked absolutely pissed.

Adam: y/n, clear the next cart and try to stop the train.

Y/n: but, but what about Blake?

Adam: who cares what happens to her!? you heard what she said. She is no longer an ally, which makes her no worse than the knights she stands with!

After a small sigh escaped from my lips, I used my semblance to lift up one of the large crates from one of the previous train carts, and hurled it towards Blake and the knights. She managed to duck it, while most of the knights had been smashed to bits and pieces.

While Adam confronted blake, I smashed one of the windows open and walked along the side of the train using my semblance, while I started quickly rubbing my hands together, making a little burning sensation on my hands, until they started to shine a dark blue aura. Once I was satisfied with the brightness of the glow, I smacked my hands onto the side of the train, causing an explosion of dark blue energy to derail the train and send it high into the sky with me still hanging off of it.

Quickly ducking back into the train, I grabbed Adam and flew out the train with him, not before chucking Blake of the train as well.

Carrying Adam mid air turned out to be more of a chore than derailing an actual train, so I was forced to land in the snow, with the train on course to fall right on top of us. Mustering up all the power I had, I focused on using my semblance to create a blue barrier surrounding the train. Right before the train crushed us to death, I attempted to suspend it in mid air, so I could push it back into the air to fall anywhere but on top of us.

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