VOLUME 4: The next step

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Y/n pov:

I laid down on the roof of what was left of the beacon tower, hiding from the sun in the large Shadow being cast by the wyvern Grimm in its petrified form. I have been stranded up here all morning, waiting for someone to come rescue me since I have lost the ability to fly. Despite the fact that I can't fly, my powers have already started to come back sooner than I had expected. I still felt exhausted from yesterday, and my aura still hasn't healed all of my injuries. My biggest current injury is the massive sword hole in my side from Adam's blade. It's a miracle I haven't bled to death yet, since I've been leaking for hours now.

I let out a sigh, before I slowly sat up and grabbed a piece of rubble from nearby. I slowly hit it against the floor in boredom.

All I could do now was stare up at the wyvern statue, so that's what I did. It stood frozen in an elegant pose, with it's enormous wings fully spread out. I looked into its stone eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder about my own wyvern heritage. If I remember what Ozpin said, he knew my parents, and where I came from. If my parents really did just...disappear one day, would that mean that they're still around?

Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter that much right now. Even though I don't have my powers, I refuse to wait any longer for someone to come rescue me. I quickly stood up to my feet, taking one last look at the wyvern before surveying my surroundings. There were still dozens of Grimm hanging around the base of the tower and the ruins of beacon academy, but the nevermore perched on top of a nearby building caught my eye.

A few seconds later, I had formulated a genius plan.

I channeled a small amount of my energy Into my arm, before firing a blue glowing orb down at the nevermore below. The attacked missed, but the enormous Grimm had taken offense nonetheless. It spread its large black wings and let out a shriek as it took to the sky, headed straight to me.

I stared the beast down as it quickly approached, before taking a few steps backwards. I closed my eyes and tensed up, before running straight off the edge of the tower.

I had grabbed onto the nevermore as it flew up to me, and held on for dear life as it tried to shake me off. It flew high up into the clouds, until I had climbed around it's neck to punch it in the eye a few times.

Once I had briefly stunned it, I pulled its head downward, causing the massive beasts to start plummeting right back down to the ground. Right before we crashed into the ground, I pulled it's head upward to straighten us out before we hit the ground, which caused the impact to lessen. As the nevermore dragged against the ground, I held on with all of my strength until we came to a stop, landing relatively safely on solid ground.

Looking around at my surroundings, I confirmed that I was indeed on the ground, and I jumped off of the nevermore. A few Grimm were watching me from a distance, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce, but I didn't plan on giving them that moment. I looked down at my hands, building up energy to check how much I had left in me, before I wandered off in one direction that I had randomly chose.

The Grimm around me stalked from a distance as I continued my set path, but I didn't pay much attention to them. I may not be able to fly again, but I definitely have enough power to destroy them if I end up needing to. Of course, I'd prefer saving that energy for now. I kept walking in a straight line, until I came across a familiar location. It was the place that I had defeated Adam at, and left him for the Grimm. Looking around at the leftovers, I could see several bits of black fabric laying on the ground, but I didn't see wilt or blush anywhere nearby. Surely Adam couldn't have died to griffins, right?

Before I could think about the situation for any longer, I had picked up the sound of faint human footsteps from behind me. Turning around to find the source of these footsteps, I saw no one. However, the lack of people wasn't the most confusing thing about the situation, it was the sudden appearance of Grimm corpses that weren't there when I walked through this area. Two beowolves had died close to each other, still mostly intact and not even turning to ash. They both had fresh cut wounds on their neck, looking like someone had dragged a sword along their necks. After a few seconds of looking around, I eventually decided to continue walking, this time paying more attention to my surroundings.

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