birds of prey pt:1

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1st pov:

Explaining the situation to Blake was bad enough, but trying to get her parents to get on board with the plan was even harder. Of course I couldn't blame them, what kind of parents wouldn't be concerned about their daughter fighting well armored and well armed terrorists? They caved in at the end, thankfully, but only because it meant stopping some dangerous people from slaughtering any more of their people. 

Blake and I followed absolom as he lead us to the bullhead he supposedly arrived in, simultaneously explaining the plan he concocted to us.

Absolom: It's rather simple, really.  Firstly, we will storm their hideout,  take out any of their men from within, and signal for an artillery strike after we steal any important data they may have.

Blake:...And how will we do any of that?

Absolom: Both me and y/n are on this mission. It isn't possible for us to fail!

Absolom raised his fist in the air in triumph, while Blake turned to face me with a deadpan expression on her face.

Blake: We're so gonna die...

Absolom: Just you. With that attitude, at least. I'm taking my private bullhead. You both will take the other.

We finally made it to the two bullheads landed in front of the belladonna property. Absolom and his guards all boarded one bullhead,  leaving us with the other as they refused to let us on board theirs. As we took our seats, we quickly noticed it was just us two, aside from the pilot who had already taken us off the ground. Blake and I sat a few seats away from each other, now in awkward silence as we felt the bullhead soar through the air. After a few minutes, Blake finally spoke up.

Blake: so, how did you survive beacon?

Y/n: Blake, you gotta ask the important questions, like, why the hell did Absolom bring a second bullhead with him if it didn't have passengers?

Blake: I...actually, that is a good question. Hello, pilot?

Pilot: I dunno, they wouldn't tell me when I asked. Oh well, I couldn't beat the pay.

Y/n: you gotta admit Blake, this whole thing is suspicious as fuck.

Blake: Finally, you're starting to say things I agree with.

Another few minutes of silents fell over the bullhead, the only source of noise being the natural hums as the bullhead soared through the sky, broken up by the pilot mumbling something about backup. Taking a look at Blake, I saw her looking out the window as she gazed out at the lands of her homeland. Although I'm usually fine with silence, I simply had something too important to not ask her.

Y/n: So...what happened to the rest of your team? They're okay, right?

Blake: Yes, y/n. Ruby and yang are fine.

I didn't say anything in return, only focusing my gaze on the ground before my ears perked up at a new sound. Blake's did the same as she was now looking the same direction as me, across the bullhead and closer to the rear. My ears picked up the faint but familiar sound of large rotors closing in.

Pilot: assholes...why are they coming in so close?

Blake: what's going on?

Pilots: nothing, must be some backup or something. Friendly, obviously.

I got up to look out the window, seeing a massive vulture gunship flanking our right from a short distance. The ship had the white fang vacuo division symbol plastered on the flat nose, right below the cockpit. Almost immediately after I went to check it out, the massive aircraft turrets on the sides began to fire at us, knocking us off course as the engine seemingly blew up.

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