Chapter 4 : Want to see something cool?

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TW: bullying, swearing


As soon as Y/N woke up, she got ready to go to Jericho, she was lucky that Ms.Weems could only welcome the new students on a thursday, which meant that today was saturday, a free day. Well not really because she was going to work at the Weathervane.

She tied her hair up and grabbed her bag.

- "Bye Enid !" She waved and rushed out the dorm, she run to the bus stop as she was being late and didn't want to wait another half an hour for the next bus.

She arrived just in time and sat down by the window.

- " Oh look it's one of them freaks ! " Said a voice in the back, noticing her Nevermore sweater.

- " and what's your super power ? you fucking mistake !"

- " what a freak.. she must be mute !"

Y/N felt her blood boil, and gave them a dirty look. Luckily she just had to wait another three stops until she could get off.

She tried to move, because the boys were more insistant but one of them pushed her, Y/N fell down and bumped her head on the floor.

- "What the fuck?" She screamed trying to get up but the boys kept her down and continued to push her around.

- " Stay down you freak !" One of the boy said as he took his water bottle and poured it on her.

Y/N cried out for someone to help her and she tried to get the boys off of her, but the only thing that happened was that the Driver said, "Next stop Jericho"

The girl managed to stand up, she then rushed to the door as it opened and she run to the place she knew she would be safe, with her brother Tyler.

She entered the Weathervane crying and went to her brother, Tyler immediatly hugged her.

- " Why are you soaking wet ?" He took a better look at his sister and noticed her tears " what happened?!"

- "Some b-... nothing.. i just fell down in puddle.." She tried to convince him but clearly he wasn't bying it.

- " who the hell did this to y-" He was interupted by Xavier who was know at the counter asking Y/N if she was okay. "Was this you?" Tyler spat at Xavier.

- "What ?" Xavier seemed confused, "Why would i hurt her ? she's my friend you idiot"

The boys started bickering, "Stop! Both of you ! It was just the stupid boys from pilgrim world ! They pushed me in the bus and poured their water on me..." She whispered the last part, fidgeting with her fingers.

Tyler turned red and went out of the coffee in a furry, leaving his sister with Xavier.

The boy helped her take of her soaked sweater and he then proceded to give her his, she blushed a little while putting it on.

- "Thanks Xav.." She played with the end of the sleeves because it was way too big for her.

- "You look cute" Xavier said while replacing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you okay?"

- " They said that i was a freak.." She sniffed and looked at him, "but we.. you are not, all the people at Nevermore, they are not freaks."

- " Those guys are jerks, don't let it get to you" He tried to make her feel better, "Do you want to see something cool?"

The girl nodded as she watched Xavier take out a pen out if pocket and then he draw a little spider on his hand, he then made it come to life. The girl was too stunned to speak and she smiled as she watched the spider walk on Xavier's hand.

- "Can i hold it?" She asks as she glued her hand on Xavier's, hoping for the spider to climb on her, it did. The girl giggled cutely and watched it move. "This is truly amazing" She said looking at him.

The boy blushed hard and got flustered, the spider sadly disappeared because he had lost focus.

- "Thank you Y/N, i could.. show you more stuff later if you want.."

The girl was very excited, she found him truly fascinating.

After talking for half an hour, Tyler came back looking very angry, Y/N thought best to not ask him what happened. He mentionned her to take her stuff. "I'll drive you back to Nevermore" He was about to leave but then he sighed, "Do you need a ride too Xavier?"

The other boy nodded and they all went to Tyler's car.  The drive was silent and awkward. Once they arrived, the girl hugged her brother and whispered  "thank you, see you soon Ty"

Xavier and her made their way to the dorms, she waved at him smiling then went to her bedroom and layed directly on her bed sighing.

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