Chapter 15: The girl of his dreams

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Y/N came to class with huge dark circles under her eyes, Xavier saw her and he grew even more worried. He mentionned her to sit next to him, which she did.

She didn't speak or look at him.

- " i am worried about you" Xavier confessed, "can you please talk to me ?"

The girl ignored him. Ms.Thornhill started her lesson, explaining
different types of poisonous plants. 

Xavier draw a little spider on his notebook, making him come alive and move to Y/N's hand. Hopping she would cheer up because he knew she loved it when he did that.

Y/N looked at it for a bit and squashed it.

Xavier scoffed and furrowed his eyebrows.

When class finished, she took her bag and left, she went to Xavier's shed.

She arrived and closed the door behind her, she looked at his drawings of the hyde.

She took one in her hand and started crying.

Xavier who had followed her, was now on the other side of the door and he heard her cry. He felt helpless, he wanted to help her but she closed in on herself.  He opened the door lightly.

She looked up at him, "why did you draw this?" She asked.

-" i already told you, i see it in my dreams"

Talk about being the girl of his dreams, she thought to herself.

- " I want to break up" She said.

- " What?" He grew worried, "First you disappear, then you ignore me and now this?" He took her hands, "What happened that night Y/N ?"

- " I realized we can't be together, don't talk to me ever again" She said and returned to Nevermore. Leaving Xavier confused, sad and eyes filled with tears.

When she got to her room, she tried not to cry as she packed her bag. She wrote a letter to Enid explaining that she needed time to think. She had called Tyler to come and pick her up, she needed to talk to him and she needed to go home.

She was lucky that her dad was out of town for a month or two, she didn't have to make up an excuse to stay home.

When she got into Tyler's car, her eyes locked with Xavier's, who was confused as why she was leaving. He didn't understand anything, everything just changed so quickly.

- "Did you tell him?"  Her brother asked.

She shook her head and gave Xavier a last look. She was going to miss him.

- " The blood you had on yourself, whose was it ?"

The boy stayed silent, they drove off, and Y/N asked him hundred of questions, ones where Tyler could answer and ones where Tyler couldn't or didn't want to.

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