what did i get myself into?

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 "Hey, Avery? I was- oh, damn,"

 My head whips around quickly, hand clasped around a scortching hot straightener that had been halfway down the length of my blonde - at the moment - hair, locking eyes with a smirking Calum in the doorway of our shared bathroom.

 "What?" I mutter with pink tinted cheeks, quickly looking away from my tanned roommate and back at my relfection with worried eyes. Was the makeup too much? Should I have picked a less revealing top?

 He clicks his tongue, followed by a short whistle. "Alright, you never dress up for me like this, where the hell do you think you're goin'?" he asks, leaning into the bathroom slightly so I'm able to see him in the mirror.

 I huff, tossing an eyeroll his way as I continue to straighten the left side of my hair. "Just a date- nothing fancy, Cal."

 "Yeah," he echoes mockingly, "Just a date, hm? It doesn't happen to be with you-know-who, does it?"

 A sigh escapes my lips as I finish my face-framing pieces, unplugging the hot device and resting it on the countertop. "No," I reply flatly, "He and I don't do dates, you know that."

 "Yeah, just hookups in that fuckin' sick car of his." Calum snorts.

 "Shut up," I groan, "Doesn't matter, because I'm going on a date and he can't ruin that."

 As I'm packing up the various makeup items littered amongst the bathroom counter, my mind flashes to various previous incidents where Luke had, in fact, ruined plenty of nights for me. Hell, I haven't been on Tinder in months seeing as how every time I've managed to arrange a date with a decent looking guy, Luke's fucking spidey-senses tingle and I'm back in his arms.

 Well, more like he's back inside me, but-

 "Just shut your phone off, duh," Calum mutters, as if his suggestion was obvious, as if I hadn't considered doing exactly that.

 "I can't, he's just-" I cut myself off with a small, frustrated breath, "I just can't."

 I didn't feel like explaining to Calum the reasoning behind my hesitancy to just ignore Luke. It's nowhere near logical and I'm afraid to hear his thoughts. It's just not possible- not like I haven't tried and failed a few times before.

 "Alrighty then," he mumbles awkwardly, slapping his palm against the door's frame, "Well, if you get too drunk and can't find the bus stop, give me a shout. I'll be at Ash's house."


 "Yeah, y'remember my friend Ashton, right?"

 "Vaguely," though the name sounds familiar, Calum has so many friends that he's talked about in the few years we've been living together that I can't quite remember who is who anymore.

 "He's the virgin," Calum clarifies, triggering a memory in my brain. He sees I've connected the dots, and nods, "Yeah, him."

 "Oh yeah, I thought you were lying- he's hot."

 Calum scrunches his face in disgust at my words. "Ashton? Really, fucking Ashton?"

 "What?" I ask innocently, a faint smile on my lips, "I'd bang him."

 "Why, God?" he suddenly asks, staring up at our stain-ridden ceiling, "Why would she bang him and not me?"

 I smack him gently on the chest, eliciting a small smirk from him. "What? You'd bang my virgin BFF but not your smokin' hot roomie?"

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