i vaguely remember a lot of murder.

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 "And why exactly do I need to come with?"

 "Because," Calum huffs frustratedly, carelessly tugging the keys from the ignition of his beatup Camry, "I'm nervous, okay? I've never had a serious interview like this and I just-" he huffs out another breath, running a hand through his raven hair, "I want you there. I'd feel better, okay?"

 It was a peculiar sight- seeing Calum both dressed up in a cheap suit from the mall and exasperated at the same time. I stifled a laugh, I know it's the last thing he'd want to hear out of my mouth right now, I couldn't help but find the situation a tiny bit funny.

 "Cal," I coo, "It's a simple interview, yeah? You've practiced with me a thousand times- stop being so on edge."

 "Thanks, Avery," he mutters mockingly, shoving the keys into the pocket of his suit pants. "Just- just wait in the lobby for me, will you?"

 I huff sarcastically, adding in a playful eyeroll for good measure before I exit the car. We were parked on a bustling city street, one I wasn't familiar with. The cold December air whipped at my cheeks, causing me to tug my already zipped overcoat a little closer to my body.

 Silently, Calum exits the vehicle as well and starts walking down the sidewalk, the clacking of his dress shoes lost in the sounds of honking horns and the shuffles of other patrons on the sidewalk. I didn't know much about Calum's interview, just that he'd applied to various accounting positions around Charlotte, and this place had been the only one offering him a chance.

 Calum's a smart guy, even though he tries his damndest to hide it. He'd received his Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance from Duke University shortly before moving across the state to Charlotte. He didn't say what had made him move, seeing as Durham's a bustling town itself, but I opted to keep that question left unanswered for the time being.

 Calum had halted in front of the building, widened brown eyes gazing at every intricate detail of the large glass doors. Carefully etched and colored words lined one of them, along with well-painted holiday art lining the outer edges.

 H. & I. LLC.

 "C'mon," I nudge his shoulder with my own, "Just get it over with."

 We enter without another word, the cozy smell of coffee and some sort of winter spice wafting through my nose immediately. The lobby was massive, white marbled floors with gorgeous accenting fixtures, a simple white modern desk against the far wall where a perky blonde receptionist sat.

 I patted Calum's shoulder reassuringly, "Go get 'em, tiger." He flashed me an anxious smile, continuing to the desk, myself opting for the cozy black chairs tucked off to the left.

 "Hi, uh- I'm here for an interview with uh-" I watched as he nervously glanced at the small stack of papers in his hand, "Mr. H?"

 "Ah, yes," the woman replied, seeming to press a view buttons on her phone before a quick buzz echoed through the empty space, "He's expecting you. Head on upstairs, last door on your left."

 An automatic door clicked open next to where the woman was, ushering for Calum to head inside. One last hopeful, yet still nervous, smile was sent my way before he disappeared through the door.

 I wasted time, not knowing how long Calum's interview would take, by scrolling mindlessly through my phone. A string of unanswered texts from Michael sat in my inbox, a knot forming in my stomach. I couldn't bring myself to reply- not yet. 

 I opted for various social medias instead. Each post began to blur together- people I'd known so long ago moving on with their lives, engaged or pregnant, and I hadn't done a damn thing.

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