i told you to be quiet.*

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 My best friend just saw my asshole.

 The two unexpected guests quickly disappeared into the complex's hall, slamming the front door shut behind them. Luke, who was still inside of me, was completely still and silent. And as for myself, I was beyond fucking confused.

 Luke had recognized the man holding my best friend's hand, and they clearly knew each other well enough to be on a first name basis.

 "Luke, can you-" I grunt awkwardly, shifting my head in attempts to look back at him, but to no avail. The unknown source binding my hands began to scratch annoyingly at my skin, tight enough so that I wasn't able to undo it myself, but loose enough to prevent any long lasting marks on my wrists.

 Whilst attempting to finagle my wrists, my hips instinctively wiggle by association, causing a low hiss to fall from Luke's lips behind me, breaking him from his silent trance. "Shit, Ave, don't fucking move."

 My cheeks redden, smushed against the rough carpet, "I'm sorry- I wasn't- Uh, just, my hands, Lu-" Embarassed and flustered, no doubt worsened by the fact that Calum just walked on me fucking his boss, I attempt to pull my hips forward so that Luke's able to slide out of me.

 "God fucking damnit," the blonde groans, barely audible, his fingers tightening against the soft skin of my hips where they had previously froze. "You can't just- fuck, now I'm hard again."

 "M'sorry, I wasn't-"

 "Just," he cuts me off with a short, frustrated breath, "Give me a minute, yeah? I need to just- just fuck," Luke grumbles, "Need you to be quiet for a minute. Let me finish what I started."

 A soft gasp fell from my lips at Luke's warm hand trailing up my spine, grasping at my bound hands. "Luke, they're right outside- we- we can't just-"

 "I told you to be quiet," Luke says, his tone dropping to an angered, hushed whisper. I instinctively clenched around him, stifling a moan at his demanding tone, "Just take it, baby. Take my cock and keep that pretty little mouth shut."

 I nod against the ugly carpet, tugging my bottom lip between my teeth to lessen the chances of releasing any moans, just as Luke began his thrusts. He kept them slow, but harsh, in order to reduce the sound of the tops of his thighs smacking against the skin of my ass.

 "Always a good girl for me," Luke cooes, grip tightening on my hands, my breath hitching in my throat as he continued to thrust particularly deep. Every other thrust he'd hit the perfect spot, causing small tears of pleasure to well in the corners of my eyes. "Gonna come so deep inside of you, sweet girl."

 A hint of a whine fell from my mouth, but it seemed as though it hadn't reached Luke's ears. His soft grunts and the faint sound of the slickness of every thrust filled the empty room, hopefully not to be heard in the complex's hallway.

 Swift knocks echoed from the front door, Luke's thrusts not stopping in the slightest, huffing out a quick "Gimme a fuckin' minute!". I could feel the growing soreness on my skin underneath Luke's greedy hands, no doubt leaving finger-shaped bruises there. 

 All the while I continued to keep silent, aside from tiny whines I couldn't help but let fall, Luke's frustrated huffs and grunts were shortly followed by the stutter of his hips, choking out sinful sounding strained moans as he released inside of me. "Fuck, Avery."

 As the two of us struggle to regain our breath, Luke's quick to soften and slide out. "Hold on, baby." he mutters quietly, fingers swiftly untying the scratchy material from my wrists. It fell beside me, and I let out a slightly painful, breathless laugh.

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