i think you owe me an apology.*

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"Are you fucking serious right now?"

Luke remained on the opposite side of the living room, his blue eyes dark and narrowed at me, still half naked and on the brink of being drunk, perched on Michael's couch.

I didn't respond, the flush of warmth spreading across my cheeks and chest was enough of answer to convey the absolute shame and embarrassment I felt.

Meanwhile, Michael stood a few steps behind him, a little too calm for my liking. His arms were crossed over his chest, jaw tightly locked like Luke's.

"Answer me." Luke's tone lowers, practically into somewhat of a growl, stuffing his hands angrily inside the pockets of his fitted jeans.

"I-" I choke out, grasping tighter on the pillow covering my exposed skin, "I'm on a date."

"This is what you do on dates?" A scoff falls from his mouth, his tongue tracing along his bottom lip a moment after. "You shouldn't be fucking random guys, especially not guys like Michael."


Luke's eyes roll at Michael's response. "I'm taking you home, alright?"

I part my lips, about to protest, but Michael beats me to the punch. "Dude, listen-"

Or at least he tries to.

"No, Michael," Luke gruffly cuts him off, turning to face him slightly, "You fucking listen. I gave you multiple warnings and you still did it anyway. Since when did you get so fucking dumb?"

Warnings? About what?

My eyebrows knit together in confusion, my body swaying ever so slightly as I remain seated.

"Luke, I-"

"Shut the fuck up, Michael, I'm tired of your voice."

The redhead's lips snap shut, raising his hands in defeat. Luke's eyes fall on me again, still dark and narrowed but the longer he stares they seem to soften.

"Get dressed, I'll wait for you downstairs." He doesn't bother waiting for a reply from me, pulling his car keys from his pocket and swiftly leaving Michael's apartment.

The slam of the front door echoed through the large space, the boy not bothering to spare a glance in my direction. I took his silence as an out, tugging on my t-shirt that had been discarded on the floor and pulling my jeans back up my thighs.

I didn't really know what to say. I was truly, utterly, and completely fucked. No matter what I said to Michael in these next few minutes, I'd be kissing any chance of a potential relationship with him goodbye.

"I-" I stop myself, just shy of the front door as I leant down to slip my tennis shoes back on my feet. Michael still doesn't bother to look at me, and I realize any effort at this point would be useless. "Sorry."

I pull on my coat, and exit his apartment.

The whole ride down the elevator my mind is filled with potential ideas to escape Luke.  Considering what just happened in Michael's place, I don't really think he'd try to fuck me but you never really know with that man.

I couldn't even bring myself to say goodnight to Randy, even if he shot a knowing smile my way that practically made my skin crawl and wonder what he meant earlier about Michael.

The evening air nipped at my nose as it normally did, my fingers fumbling to zip my coat up before shoving my hands deep inside of the fuzzy pockets.

Luke hadn't been in the lobby, but I know there's a massive parking garage back behind the building. He'd never park his car on the street, that thing's vintage, and worth more to him than anything else in his life.

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