am i?*

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Luke and I have had zero communication over the last two weeks.

It took a while before I could start processing everything, especially with Calum's help. My poor best friend sat and held me through nearly every single one of my crying fits, snotty nose and all.

It wasn't some big revelation, at least to me, it wasn't as if I finally realized I had been suppressing intense feelings for Luke, but there was definitely something lingering.

And that alone, terrified me.

For years, I've thought of Luke as just some self-obsessed, sex-crazed asshole. Which, in all honesty, he was both of those things, but the small soft moments between us had me looking at him a bit differently now.

The lack of communication between us, however, was a two way street. Neither of us seemingly wanted to text- whether Luke was completely finished with me now or just didn't know what to say was unknown. On my end, I just didn't have a single well formed thought on what the hell to say to him.

I'm not like, full-blown in love with the man, I mean, I hardly know him. It took three years before I even knew what he did for work- and that wasn't something I would have known if it weren't for Calum getting a job at Luke's company.

I mean, hell, I was banging one boss and Calum was canoodling with the other.

But that's not important.

What's important is that I don't want to leave things unfinished with Luke. Would I want to keep hooking up with him? Sure, the sex is always great. Would I want to attempt some sort of relationship with him? Probably not. He's not the domestic type, I don't even know if he's ever properly dated anyone in his life.

Calum and I had numerous chats about how I should approach Luke. If I should send him a text, give him a phone call, or just show up at his office. I wasn't necessarily rooting for a face-to-face chat, I didn't want to overwhelm myself and end up crying again.

If that was even possible.

I just continued doing what I had been every now and again for the last few days- huddled up on the couch, watching stupid mindless movies on Netflix and staring at the last conversation Luke and I had two weeks prior.

My phone buzzed in my hand, breaking me from my distracted stare, alerting me that Calum had sent me a text message.


hi sweet angel baby perfect lovey girl


....yes, calum?


you know how you're my favorite sweetest bestest friend in the whole wide world?




and you know i'd do anything in the world for you


out with it, cal


could you pretty pretty please bring me lunch?


i forgot to pack anything and i'm super busy :(


just get doordash or something

somebody else. ❀ lrhWhere stories live. Discover now