fuck luke hemmings.*

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"Fuck, I can't keep going, Chels."

I toss my head back with a groan, my eyes screwed shut as I adjust myself in my office chair, beads of sweat quickly gathering across my forehead. I lift my head, staring down at the blonde on the floor, her pale cheeks flushing.

"It's not my fault, your desk is a fucking mess." the girl quickly swipes strands of hair from her eyes as she stands up, smoothing out the fabric of her dress pants. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're acting like you've just run a fucking marathon."

I roll my eyes in annoyance, "I'm so sick of all this shit," I tell her, placing my palms flat on my desk, various papers crinkling beneath them, "If I have to see one more legal document, I'm gonna blow my fuckin' brains out."

Chelsie just scoffs at my reply, shuffling the folders in her hand that I had accidentally shoved off of my desk. "Well, you shouldn't have pissed Michael off so badly. You're in deep shit, Luke."

I run a hand over my stubble lined face, sighing, for I know she's right. "Yeah, yeah," I mutter out, "Quit reminding me." I can feel the ocular migraine threatening my vision, rubbing at my tired eyes, attempting to delay the inevitable.

"It's kind of my job," my lawyer chuckles, taking a seat on one of the scuffed lounge chairs in front of my desk, "You look like you haven't slept in days."

"I haven't," I answer honestly, slumping back in my chair. "And I hate the fact that I'm losing sleep over that red haired idiot."

"Well, lucky for you," the blonde chirps, sliding a folder onto my desk, "We're nearly finished with prep. I have a meeting with Michael's lawyer at four, so hopefully we've dug up enough to counter his claims."

"Thank God," I groan, taking the folder and flipping through the carefully labeled exhibits, documents that would hopefully make Michael look like an idiot and keep the company out of his greedy little hands. "I need a fucking nap."

"I just need you to sign a few more forms, then I can go," Chels informs me, gesturing to the folder in my hands, "Oh, how's Avery by the way?"

My face falls at the mention of a certain blonde, lips turning downwards as I attempt to remain focused, scribbling my barely legible signature where Chelsie had indicated with little sticky notes. "Um- she hasn't talked to me in a few days."

"Is that unusual?"

"Yeah," a sigh falls from my mouth, snapping the folder shut once I had finished, passing it back to the woman in front of me, "I feel like I did something wrong but I can't figure it out. She won't reply to my texts, and I've left a few messages but she's been radio silent."

"Well, did you do something wrong?"

I lent my hands on my desk, interlacing my fingers, a frown still prominent on my lips as Chels raises a brow, crossing her legs. "I don't know? I mean, maybe? When you texted me a few days ago, when I was late to our meeting, she saw the text and I kinda- I kinda left her in my apartment without explaining anything."

Chels shoots me an 'are you fucking serious?' glare, accompanied by clicking her tongue off the roof of her mouth, "You are a grade-a idiot, Luke Hemmings," when I cock my head in confusion, she continues, "Avery, who's kind of your girlfriend but not, who you've fucked for three years, gets no explanation after she sees a text from another woman and you just, left her there?"

"Well, fuck, now you make it sound like I'm an asshole."

"You kind of are!" she laughs incredulously, waving her hand, "She probably thinks you ditched her to fuck someone else."

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