one way ticket to orgasm city.*

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Waking up with a painstakingly throbbing headache and spending the following hours hugging the toilet bowl was definitely not on my to-do list this morning.

I assumed Calum had returned home at some point, whether it was before I was blowing chunks or after, I'm not quite certain. By the time I had chugged at least two bottles of water and shoved some Advil down my throat, I started to feel a bit better, despite the haziness in my head.

"You look like shit," my roommate's voice startles me slightly, my hand nearly loosening it's grip on the half empty vodka bottle. I had just started cleaning up my regretful mess, the stench of the alcohol wafting in my nose did nothing for my gurgling, nearly empty stomach.

I whip around to face him, noticing he's shirtless as usual, rubbing at his tired eyes. "So do you," I quip back, eyes trailing along his tanned skin, which was now littered in various pink, round splotches. "The hell happened to you?"

Calum blinks a few times, eyebrows knitted together and follows my gaze to his torso. A flush of embarrassment washes over his cheeks. "Okay, so, Ashton and I may have messed around with his paintball gun a little bit-"

"You're a fucking moron," I groan, placing the half empty bottles back onto the pantry's shelf. Calum bites back a boyish grin at my response, but doesn't say anything further, just simply shrugs and tosses himself onto the couch.

Resuming my previous activities, I tidy up the counters and shove whatever else I'd left out back in their original places. "Soo," Calum pipes up from the couch, dragging out the word, "You had a little fun last night, eh?"

I pause, feeling a bit fortunate that Calum couldn't see the pink on my cheeks or the lump I quickly swallow, "Uh, not really," my voice wavers, "Just sat around, that's all."

"Right," I could practically hear the skeptic, narrowed eyes he must've been adorning, "And that meant breaking out the holy trinity? Vodka, tequila, and red wine?"


"You don't even like red wine, Avery." As Calum sits up from the couch, sporting the exact expression I had imagined, our eyes meeting. I surely felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

"So, look-"

"You had someone over, didn't you?" His grin grows excitedly wider, brown eyes brightening. He takes my nervous silence as a yes, practically leaping from the worn couch to approach the other side of the countertop across from me. "Didn't you?"

"Okay, kind of," I sheepishly admit, tearing my eyes away from his intense gaze, "But not like- no sex or anything, we just hung out."

And shared a kiss. A very passionate one.

A shudder runs down my spine at the thought. "And?" Calum presses, tapping his fingers eagerly on the surface.

"And, what?" I shrug, my own fingers toying with the hem of my crewneck sweater, "That's it, Cal, I swear."

A groan falls from his mouth. "You're kidding me, right? You brought someone over and didn't fuck? Hold on, better question," he raises a finger, "Since when do you bring guys over at all?"

"I- I don't-" I puff my cheeks, releasing a huff, for I know he's right. I never bring guys back to the apartment, Calum and I have always been considerate of one another about things like that.

There was one time, way back around the time I had first moved in. Calum was nearly black-out drunk, stumbling and slurring into the apartment with an equally intoxicated girl in tow. I was two hours deep into a murder mystery show, and nearly shat my pants when they staggered into the living room.

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