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My eyelids flutter as I sink into the warmth of the pillow beneath me, relishing in the softness of the sheets encasing my bare body. I could feel the gentle sensation of warm fingers tracing aimless patterns along my shoulder blades.

As I blink awake, rubbing a hand at my tired eyes, I come to and notice the pillow I'd been so contently snuggling hadn't been a pillow at all but instead Luke's exposed torso.

I glance upwards, meeting his bright blue eyes, a soft smile on his lips. His hair was an absolute mess, small bags underneath his eyes as he stifled a yawn. "Mornin'."

The lush raspiness of his voice altered something in my brain, triggering a shift in demeanor as my fight or flight kicked in.

"Did I- Did I spend the night?" I blurt, attempting to sit up but I'm halted by Luke's arm hooking around my mid-back, keeping me in place.

"You did," Luke informs me with a bright smile, "First time any girl's ever slept in my bed."

"Oh," I respond quietly, "So I'm just any girl, now?"

Luke playfully rolls his eyes at my response. "Shut up, you know what I mean."

"God," I grumble, returning my cheek to the warmth of Luke's chest. "I don't even remember falling asleep last night."

The vibrations of Luke's gentle laugh echo through my ears, "It was probably the tequila shots you begged me to pour for you. Or, honestly it might've been the brain fog from nearly passing out after what- your fourth orgasm? Maybe it was the fifth, I don't quite remember."

A warmth spreads across my cheeks as I hear his words. Small reminders of last night slowly seeping in, the soreness between my legs much more prevalent. I'm thankful I wasn't facing Luke, he'd never let me live it down if he saw how embarrassed I was.

God, four orgasms? The man can give me one and my legs are shaking for days. But four, possibly five? I didn't doubt I had nearly passed out.

The soft, comforting silence is ripped apart by the blaring ringtone of Luke's phone, Heat of the Moment playing as it buzzed on his nightstand.

He groans, straining in his current position as he lent over slightly to pick it up, pressing it to his ear. I kept my eyes trained away, instead wandering around the details of his room- or lack thereof.

"Yeah?" he answers, "Whoa whoa, hold on," Luke shuffles beneath me a bit, body obviously tensing. Whoever was on the other line sounded beyond upset. "Ash- look, Michael's pulling this out of his ass, trust me. Yes, I did hit him but- no, he's not our fucking employee so- fucking hell, quit cutting me off, dickhead."

He lets out a frustrated sigh, allowing who I now assume to be Ashton to continue. "Yeah, I'll be there in a bit."

Tossing his phone lazily in the sheets, I finally glance upwards at him, his eyes fluttered shut in silence. I could feel his heart rate increase beneath my touch.

"Everything okay?" I ask hesitantly, Luke's eyes slowly open to meet mine. His attempts to hide his frustration were useless.

"No," he sighs again, "Michael's trying to start some bullshit, nothing really important but Ashton wants to meet at the office to talk about it."

"Oh," I reply softly, slightly disappointed, my thumb absentmindedly tracing small circles along Luke's hipbone where my hand had laid. "I can see if Cal can come get me."

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