god, i didn't know you'd feel this good.*

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"Seriously, Ave, if you don't come to this club with me, I'll kick you out." Calum stood in the doorway of my room, lips pursed and tanned arms crossed over his chest. A loose, ill-cut muscle shirt hung over his broad frame, fit with a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Cal," I groan, removing my gaze from my laptop, where I'd been nearly half finished with an essay that was due the following morning. "I can't even get in, it's like you forget I'm not legal yet."

"And it's like you forget you have a perfectly good fake ID that your hot roommate scored for you," he scoffs, leaning against the chipped doorframe. "That's two hundreds bucks out the window if you don't even fucking use it."

My eyes teeter back and forth between him and the Word file I had been in the middle of editing, a sigh falling from my mouth. "Cal, this paper is due tomorrow, I'm not even halfway done."

Calum's eyes roll at my statement, stepping inside my room and towards where I sat on my unmade bed. My laptop was perched on my crossed legs, fingers hovering over the keyboard as I contemplated how the fuck I was going to restructure the sentence I was in the middle of.

He lent forward and snapped my laptop shut with his hand, my fingers barely managing an escape, a triumphant grin on his lips. "It can wait. It's party time."

"Calum!" I gasp, shoving his hand away and fumbling to open my laptop, but his quick fingers snake it from my grasp. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Cal perched the laptop underneath his arm, wagging a finger at me. "Now, now, you come to the club with me or I'll lock your laptop in my special drawer for a week."

"Your special- your fucking sex drawer?" I gape, "You're fucking evil, you know that? I don't want my precious laptop bumping uglies with your vibrators."

"They're not mine!" he defends, brows knit together, "How did you even- you know what? It doesn't matter, I don't have to explain myself to you."

His lips form into a pout, turning on his heel to exit my room with my laptop in his possession. He halts at the doorway, peering back at me over his shoulder. "Be ready in twenty."

Groaning, cursing my roommate mentally, and regretfully removing myself from the comfort of my bed, I do as he says and rummage through my closet for something suitable to wear to the club.

Eventually, I settled on a dark brown leather skirt that reached the tops of my thighs, and a fitted black turtleneck with an elongated oval cutout just above my breasts. It didn't leave much to the imagination but it was tasteful, in my opinion.

I didn't bother with my hair, just pulled it back into a high ponytail, and hardly amplified my already existing makeup with a couple touch ups here and there.

"Avery!" Calum calls from the hallway, before emerging in my doorway. I was lent slightly over my small vanity, applying a final coat of mascara to my bottom lashes. I faced him, tube in one hand while the other held myself up on the wooden desk. "Goddamn."

I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes, tossing the now closed mascara tube onto the mess of my vanity. "Shut up, Calum."

"What? You look hot," he defends simply, shrugging. "You're definitely going home with someone tonight, and I hope it's me."

"We live together, dumbass. Of course I'm coming home with you."

"But the question is, will you sleep in my bed?"

somebody else. ❀ lrhWhere stories live. Discover now