you promised me dinner.

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 Luckily, it wasn't too long after Luke and I's expression of feelings that Ashton and Calum arrived to rescue us.

 Mischevious smirks greeted us through the glass of Luke's office as they approached. It was evident they knew their plan had worked. To what extent, however, I wasn't sure if they knew.

 Honestly, it's quite hard to miss the smudge marks on the glass from my hands and face, but boys never pay much attention to things like that anyways.

 After releasing us from the confinement of Luke's office, Calum went back to his office to check emails, and Ashton just left all together. Luke hadn't moved from his desk, still shuffling through the files littering his desk and grumbling under his breath.

 I was half tempted to just leave him be, since he was so clearly focused, and the second I attempted a silent exit I was halted. "Where you goin', sweetheart?" I spun on my heel, a shy smile on my lips.

 "Um- you look real busy so I-" I shrug simply, "I didn't want to bother you?"

 "Sounds like more of a question," Luke remarks, shifting his eyes to mine, a lazy smile on his lips. "Not even gonna kiss me goodbye?"

 "I-" I stutter, a bit taken aback, pink flooding my cheeks almost instantly. "I suppose I can." Luke turned his chair sideways as I approached, hands aimlessly wandering the backs of my thighs, looking up at me through his thick lashes.

 I bent down slightly to connect our lips, pulling away a short moment after. Luke's bottom lip juts out, puffy and pouty whilst sitting in his office chair. "What?" I ask, mirroring him by puffing out my own lower lip.

 "Gimme another one."

 Rolling my eyes playfully, I comply, kissing him again but letting my lips linger for a few seconds longer than the previous kiss. When I pull away this time, a boyish grin overtakes his previous pout. "Better?" I ask.

 Luke nods, "Much."

 "You're such a softie," I joke, "What time are we doing dinner? I'll check the bus schedule so I know which line to take."

 Luke scoffs at me, clicking his tongue, "You really think you're taking the bus? Avery, I'm taking you on a fucking date, of course I'm picking you up."

 The warmth returns to my face, no doubt flushing down my neck. "Oh- I didn't- I live all the way across town and didn't think-"

 "Shush," he replies, pulling me closer as his grip tightens slightly on my thighs, "I'll pick you up at seven, yeah? Can't wait to see you all dressed up for me."

 I playfully bat at his chest, earning a low chuckle from the blonde. "I'll have Calum help me pick something out, m'not very fashionable."

 "Baby, you could wear a fucking trash bag and I'd still think you're hot."

Back and Calum and I's apartment, a mere hour before Luke was set to pick me up, I started panicking. Cal was perched on my bed, shovelling mouthfuls of chips into his mouth as he watched my breakdown quickly unfold.

 "I don't get why you're working yourself up," he says, ridding his fingers of cheese dust before rolling the bag shut. "It's a date, Avery, you've been on plenty of them."

 "Yeah, but not with Luke," I point out, ready to tear the hair from my head strand by strand at this point, widened eyes grazing over my outdated closet. "Plus, I have no fucking idea where we're going and-"

somebody else. ❀ lrhWhere stories live. Discover now