have you fucked him?

877 24 73


 I wasted a ridiculously embarrassing amount of time staring at the delivered text message I'd sent over twenty minutes ago, the little grey 'delivered' underneath it practically taunting me. A knot formed in my stomach- had I been too impulsive?

 A sigh fell from my lips as I reached forward to lock my phone. I need a drink.

 Reluctantly standing from the couch, my slipper clad feet thudded softly on the thin, cheap carpet as I made my way into the connected kitchen. When I had first moved in, Calum was quick to show me his coveted liquor cabinet, two deep pantry shelves stocked with anything you could think of.

 My tired eyes scanned over the various labels, nose scrunched in thought. I wasn't in the mood for anything that would make my stomach turn from the smell alone - that meant no whiskey this evening - but nothing sounded good, not even the semi taunting white bottle of RumChata off to the back left.

 I clutched a bottle at random, barely glancing at the colored label. I couldn't be bothered anymore, regret was swarming my veins and I needed to deal with any possible incominng consequences with a bit of liquid courage. I spun the top gently, just before it was fully open, using my middle finger to flick off the plastic cap and press the bottle to my lips.

 The burn was instant, fiery and I felt my throat threaten to toss the liquid back up into my mouth. With a wince, I turn the bottle so I can read the alarming red label- fucking Luksusowa. I'm not a fan, it has some peculiar aftertaste based on the fact that it's a potato vodka, but at this particular moment, my preferences didn't really matter.

 I almost missed the ping of my phone after my third or fourth swig, not bothering to recap the glass bottle I was still holding onto. My chest felt warm and fuzzy, my face had begun to grow slightly hot, but I took another swig anyways as I entered the living room.

 I set down the bottle onto the coffee table, heaving out a deep breath as I reached for my phone. With my leg bouncing anxiously and my bottom lip tugged between my teeth, I tapped the screen to see the potential response to my risky text.

 My shoulders slumped when my eyes read over the only notification, a video file sent by my roommate. Probably some stupid computer shit he was getting up to with Ashton. Pushing my disappointment aside, I opened it redgardless. It was a thirty second video filmed selfie-style, with a glassy eyed Calum and a grinning Ashton.

 "Averrrryyyyyy," Calum called out, a little shotglass filled with a dark liquid in his free hand. Behind him stood Ashton, who swayed slightly, a goofy smile on his lips as he raised his matching glass.

 "To Avery!" Ashton chirped, clinking their glasses together before tossing the liquid back, both grimacing from the bitter taste.

 "Love yo-" the video cuts out right as Calum speaks up close to the camera, eliciting a giggle from me. Calum's often a great drunk, goofy and fun to be with, unlike how he had been earlier today at that bar downtown. I think he was a little overly ambitious there.


havin' fun without me, eh?


i always have more fun with you <3


is ashton as fucked up as you?


of course


told him getting drunk with me is payment for my services

somebody else. ❀ lrhWhere stories live. Discover now