oh baby, you've got no idea.*

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Apparently, Luke has a soft spot for old Christmas movies.

Though Calum and I normally seclude ourselves to strictly Netflix, or sometimes Amazon Prime, when I mentioned to him that we got a few local channels his eyes widened so excitedly I thought they'd pop out of his skull.

He insisted we had to watch the movies, the old Rudolph one that had been playing for precisely thirteen minutes - Luke later denied this statement with reddened cheeks and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I didn't point out moments where he'd mutter the cheery dialogue under his breath, even if it made me smile.

I'm not sure if we fell asleep before or after the old Frosty the Snowman special from the sixties began, but when I'd woken up at some unknown hour, I was halfway laying on Luke's chest and his arms were fixated around my lower back.

We were...cuddling?

It was sometime in the early morning, indicated by the small streams of sunlight peeking through the curtains on the opposite side of the living room, casting a slight glare onto the blank television. I stirred in Luke's grasp, as gently as I could, in order to free myself and prevent my bladder from exploding all over Luke and my worn down couch.

"Mm," he hummed, eyes still shut as he bent his head the opposite way, snuggling into the throw pillow wedged between his head and the back of the couch. "Don't move, m'comfy."

The absolute rasp of this man's voice nearly had me forgetting why I began to stir in the first place.

Shaking any ungodly thoughts on the Lord's day out of my sick head, I lift my hand from behind Luke's back, flicking at his nose. "Wake up." I mumble, jutting out my lower lip.

His eyes slowly blink open, squinting slightly as they fall on me. Warmth coats his cheeks but he doesn't say a word about our current position, especially our entangled legs. "What's so urgent?" Luke grumbles, moving a hand from my back to rub at his sleepy eyes.

"I have to pee," I whine softly, my own voice slightly hoarse from the previous night's alcohol consumption and the various cigarettes Luke and I chain smoked by the living room window. A grunt of annoyance leaves his lips, but he releases his grip on my body nonetheless.

I wiggle out from my position, stretching my sore limbs as I stand from the couch. Luke's already half asleep by the time I make it down the hallway to the bathroom to do my business. When I arrive back, he's still attempting to fall back into his luscious slumber, but seems to be having issues.

His legs are tugged up closer to his body now, instead of being stretched out the entire length of the couch. I take the empty spot his feet previously occupied, tucking my legs close to my chest. "I can't believe you spent the night."

"Me either," the blonde mumbles, fully opening his eyes. "S'all those shots you kept giving me."

I roll my eyes playfully, "Uh, no, other way around. You were practically waterboarding me with tequila." Luke seemingly fights a grin, rolling his blue eyes right back at me.

"Whatever," he dismisses, "Better than being alone, was it not?"

I shrug my shoulders, the corners of my lips upturning slightly. "I suppose."

"You suppose?" Luke echoes mockingly, sitting up from the position he'd been in, "What, I wasn't fun enough for you, Harper?"

Honestly? It was one of the best nights I'd had in quite some time. I'd never tell him that, thought.

"No, it was good," I reassure him, eyes wandering along his broad frame. The slight wave in his bed hair had me dying to run my hands through it. "Best Christmas I've had in quite some time."

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