Damage assessment

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It's been about an hour since the battle ended. Doctor Solace is on the helicopter pad, fixing the armor of his Eurocopter. It appears that it took too many bullet hits on thhe fuselage and the propeller. In fact, it has taken so many hits that it normally wouldn't be able to fly any longer. Yet, by some miracle, not only it managed to stay in the air for as long as possible, its passenger was also unharmed. Shooting down five stealth fighters without any weapons while also keeping its patient safe, that's got to be a record. No other air ambulance has managed that before. Probably because they never had the chance, and considering that the Austronesian Air Force and Naval Air Squadrons were destroyed in the NATO bombing of the country, and any surviving aircraft was either confiscated or deemed not airworthy. Well, that's what happens when two totalitarian sides battle to enforce their rule. You provoke others, in the end you are te one who loses everything.

After replacing the last armor plate, he picks up his tool box and speaks to his Eurocopter.

-'I must say, I'm pretty impressed pal', he says in his usual low voice tone. 'Normally, no other chopper would make it out in one piece'.

-'Maybe it was just luck', replies the Eurocopter in its usual electronic voice.

-'Either that, or it was just a miracle', replies DC. 'Either way, I'll need to fix you as soon as possible. But first, I need to check on our patient'.

-'How is she by the way?', asks the Eurocopter again.

-'Unconscious, but okay', replies DC. 'You did run a thermal scan when you winched her out of the water, didn't you?'

-'I did, and my thermal scanner didn't detect any internal injuries'.

-'And that's what concerns me more. If she has no internal injuries, then it'll only be a miracle if she wakes up again. I need to be in the infirmary room. If she wakes up, I need to be there to verify a few things'.

He then locks his tool box and walks towards the entrance door. Judging by how extensive the damafe to the armor is, it'll take him hours to replace it, and since he's got a patient in need right now, there's no time to be concerned over some armor plates. Saving the life of that patient is much more important right now. If she's in some sort of serious danger, he needs to be ready for everything. And while he is technically prepared, he is feeling somehow anxious. Of all the wounded patients, he has never seen anything like this one. Normally, no one would have survived such a big fire or explosion. Yet, she seems to be unharmed. Except for a few scratches on her body, she seems to be fine, just like the Eurocopter with its armor plates. How that can be possible, he doesn't know, but he intends to find out one way or another. For some reason, it feels like this girl is no normal at all. He feels that there's something different with her. Something out of place. Maybe she has some sort of connection with that burning oil tanker.

Speaking of the oil tanker, it's still in the same area, anchored and still burning. Doctor Solace did try to put it out with his water cannons and hoses, but the results were pretty much the same. The fire just keeps on burning on and on. What's more strange is that the ship's metal hasn't melted at all. It's like the entire structure was covered in some sort of liquid like the one used in movies which is meant to burn only the color and leave the structure intact. This makes no sense at all. If the ship is still on fire, why hasn't it sunk already? And if it's still burning, how is it still intact? The more he tries to analyze, the less he understands. All he knows is that he needs to figure things out as soon as possible. Maybe the girl can provide him with the necessary information. As soon as she wakes up, he'll have to initiate the necessary measures to keep himself and his helicopter safe. He doesn't know how she might react as soon as she wakes up, so he'll need to expect everything.

He approaches the door of the infirmary room number one where the girl is kept. She'll probably still be asleep. The Propofol he injected in her still hasn't worn out as he gave her a third dose a few minutes ago. It's not the ideal drug to give to a patient, but it's the only one he could find right now. He might be putting her life at a risk like that, but for the time being, it's better to keep her asleep for as long as possible. This isn't a very humane way for the Red Cross, but when there's a crisis like this, a few sacrifices have to be made. That doesn't mean he needs to sacrifice his humanity though, he just needs to be a little tougher and more strict in a fe things, otherwise he might not be able to maintain control of the situation. If that happens, then he can expect the worse outcome possible. He's been prepared for such a scenario and he's ready to deal with it. He just hopes he won't have to.

After putting the tool box back on the shelf, DS picks up one of the secondary laptops and walks outside towards the main deck where the laser weapons are placed. The battle with the black jets earlier left him at a great disadvantage as his laser targeting systems did not work. Because of this, he was forced to lock on to the planes manually, which meant he had to use his thermal and video cameras which couldn't immediately lock on and had to wait for around six to seven seconds. If another squadron of black jets appears out of nowhere, he needs to be ready, and to do that, he'll need to reboot his systems. If this happens again, his chances of survival won't be as high as they were before. And considering that the aircraft that attacked him were stealth fighters, it'll be much more harder to pick them up on radar. The only way to make sure that the same mistake will not be repeated is to somehow modify the radar. Of he can somehow upgrade it to detect even the most invisble aircraft, it will benefit him a lot. Not only he'll know the position of the enemy aircraft, he'll also be able to analyze and estimate their next move.

Right now, all he can do is hope that he'll find a place to dock. The more he stays in the open sea, the more exposed he is to the danger of an air attack. Problem is that he can't travel at top speed as he is also towing the burning oil tanker. It's probably pointless, but he wants to analyze it even further so that he might at least a clue as to why it's still intact. He might not be able to put out the fire, but he can at least analyze the vessel thanks to his thermal cameras and night vision cameras. Since they are linked to his computer, he can get the results without needing to touch anything. If that doesn't work either, he'll just have to wait for the fire to be put out on its own. He might as well spray sea water on it and use his Eurocopter for aerial firefighting. Earlier, he was using clear water, which might have been the reason it wasn't that effective. Sea water might ruin his hoses, but might as well be the only way.

Little does he know, his battle with the unknown jets has attracted some unwanted attention. Currently, a mysterious ship, which by chance is near the location where Doctor Solace is sailing, is looking for those black jets. They haven't reported back for about an hour and a half, which has caused the vessel to be concerned. And while a few photos of Doctor Solace were taken by one of the jets that did manage to return, they hweren't enough to verify the reason for the losses as this white ship appears to be unarmed.

What Doctor Solace doesn't know, is that his adventures are about to take a very unexpected turn. Sooner or later, his involvement won't go unnoticed.

(And that's all for today's chapter. Sorry for making it too short but I didn't have much of an ispiration this time. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to check out and subscribe to my Youtube and Dailymotion channels. Until then, see you next time. Remember, your opinion is always important)

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