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As the Eurocopter lands on the helipad, Doctor Solace uses his laptop to scan the damage. It appears that the only damage he and his Eurocopter have suffered are a few bullet holes. Other than that, there's no serious damage. All the bombs thrown at him either missed or were intercepted by his CIWS and RAM missiles. He did expect to suffer some sort of damage, but he never expected it to be that minimal. If his defense systems are this good, then imagine how powerful he could be on full automatic. ANd while he's never treid it before, it's easy to imagine the results considering how many aircraft he and his helicopter managed to blast from the sky. Still, this didn't stop some of the aircraft from putting a few bullets in his ship's hull. This is a clear indication that no matter how superior his armament is, it does not make him invincible one bit. For DS and his helicopter, this battle was a test to see just how capable they were of pulling off an attack on such a massive scale. Now that they have the results, they'll need to see where the have to improve themselves. Next time they might not be so lucky.

After DS has docked at the harbor and tied his ship, he gets off to the platform where the three Bullin sisters are waiting for him. They are all smiling and their eyes are literally glowing. Seeing him in such a great shape, despite having suffered damage, is beyond their belief. To survive such an attack almost unscathed, this has never happened before. Even they wouldn't have survived through all of it by themselves, and even if they could, they would still have gotten themselves harmed, if not sunk and killed. They underestimated DS. When they first saw him, they considered him weak and unfit for combat. Well, his weapons were never obvious in the first place, so who can blame them? Still, it looks like they won't have anything to laugh about in the near future. They thought they could mock him? Well, apparently they just learned their lesson. Next time they jusdge someone by their, they might as well live to regret their choices.

-'Hey girls, I didn't think you'd be expecting me', says DS as he walks towards the sisters.

-'We wanted to observe the battle ourselves, just as you said', replies Universal in rather joyful voice tone.

-'You were amazing out there', says Bulin, running towards DS in excitement. 'I've never seen a transport ship like you being able to fight off such a massive squadron of aircraft, let alone intercept bombs before being able to hit'.

-'Well, my CIWS system and missile batteries were meant to intercept shells and rockets, not just aircraft', says DS as he types a code on his wrist computer. 'Any target, from cannon shells to torpedoes, cannot escape my high tech anti-aircraft and anti-ship thermal radar. Any ship, aircraft, shell, rocket or torpedo that is fired at me will be intercepted and destroyed within a distance of six kilometers'.

-'Six kilometers?', says Bulin in complete surprise. 'You never said that'.

-'I didn't know I had to be so specific when you asked me', replies DS in his usual low voice tone, as if he was trying to make a joke.

Universal then looks at the Eurocopter on DS' helipad. She has never seen an aircraft like that one before. Its design and propellers are way beyond what she has imagined. She has seen many weird experimental aircraft, but not as weird as that one, and the fact that it is able to remain stationary in mid air makes it even more amazing. No other faction possesses such an amazing aircraft with such amazing flying abilities. She and her sisters saw what this was capable of, and they have no reason to doubt how mangificent it is. Right now they probably wish they had the same aircraft in thei own fleets. That way they would have made cargo deliveries to both sides much safer.

-'So that's a helicopter', says Universal as she points at the Eurocopter.

-'Yup, that's it', says DS while looking at it. 'It's an EC145 Eurocopter, one of the best helicopters ever built. It has a top speed 246 km/h or 133 knots and uses a Safran Arriel 2E engine, one of the most powerful engines ever. And with its 30mm armor, this aircraft can take you wherever you want. Even against a 50 caliber machine gun cannot stop it from flying'.

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