Field Hospital part 1

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After docking and opening up the ramp in his starboard side, DS gets off his ship and walks towards one of the cranes, eager to meet the person in charge of this base. So far the negotiations have lead nowhere, despite what was said on the radio. In reality, neither DS nor the faction leader are able to trust each other for a single second. True he did save Bulin earlier that day, but this doesn't prove anything. Even an enemy can save somebody to cover his true intention and infiltrate the the enemy's base. DS could have done the same thing for the exact same reason. He could be a spy sent here by either of the three sides to saboatge the base and force the Universals to pick a side in this conflict. It might sound very exaggerating, but it happened once before when the Red Axis sent one of their submarines to torpedo the faction's transport ships and oil tankers to force them to join. While this attack was performed two years ago, it showed the Universals how careful they have to be around warships and transports that don't belong to their faction. It's also the reason they isolated themselves and refused to pick a side, instead becoming the suppliers of both sides in hope that they would just wipe each other out from existence. DS is no exception to this rule, regardless of where he comes from or what his true intentions are.

After waiting for about five minutes, he spots Bulin with a light purple haired girl wearing a light purple dress and holding a giant grey combination wrench walking over to him. That must be the faction's leader. Bulin did say that there's only three of them in this base and that her older sister is the one leading them. She looks way younger than he thought. When Bulin said 'older sister', he was expecting to see a woman around his age, not a little girl. Well, it looks like he once was once again wrong of what to expect. Maybe he should be more careful of what to expect from now on. Next time he makes a conclusion like that, it might as well backfire and lead to bad luck.

As soon as Bulin and her sister approach him, he salutes and she gives him a suspicious look.

-'I'm guessing you're the 'Hospital Ship' that saved my sister', she says in a serious voice tone.

-'Indeed I am', replies DS in the usual low voice tone. 'I am Doctor Solace, of the Solace-class hospital ships. I must say, you look so, um'.

-'Young? Yes I get that a lot', says the girl. 'I am Universal Bulin, lead ship of the Bulin-class destroyers'.

-'Well, pleasure to meet you', says DS. 'Would you mind if I called you Universal?', he asks. Since both ships are called Bulin, it's much more easier to identify who is who. Two sisters having the same name is very rare for a warship, unless they have numbers added as well. Since the Bulin sisters have the same name, it will be much better if he calls them by their first names. Yes it is awkward, but it much easier that way.

-'It's much easier to tell who is who', he continues.

-'As you wish', replies Universal. 'I must say, I haven't seen such a weird uniform before'.

-'That uniform is my Hazmat suit', replies DS, still in his low voice tone. 'It protects me from various diseases and toxic chemicals. That's why it covers my whole body'.

-'I see' replies, seemingly amazed by DS' apperance. Indeed, she has never seen a suit like that before. And the fact that it protects him from nearly everything out there is amazing. She's not sure if he's telling the truth. Nobody has ever managed to built a suit like that, but if that's true, then it's one of a kind and a very unique  one as well. Not that it matters, but it would benefit everyone if they had such a suit. Not only they wouldn't be affected by any diseases, but they would also be able to travel through areas deemed unsafe due to pollution. Well, pity that he only has it, but that's the reality.

-'And I most certainly haven't seen a ship like yours before', she says again, staring at DS' ship. She has seen small and big transport ships before, but nothing like that, let alone one that is painted completely white and has red crosses on the starboard and port sides. The design seems just very surreal for a trasnport or any other warship. 'And where are you AA guns? You seem to be completely unarmed'.

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