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After exiting the harbor, Doctor Solace runs towards his helicopter hangar to prepare his Eurocopter. Since he can't take on the entire squadron all by himself, his air ambulance will also have to take part in the battle. It might be unarmed, but thanks to its radar jammer and flares, it will be of big help towards DS, and besides, 50 caliber bullets will do nothing to its armor. It survived the encounter with the Australian air force, so the New Zealand air force is no different. With DS' air defense weapons and the Eurocopter's radar jammer, it will be a piece of cake. If stealth jets can be defeated by flares, then imagine what it can do to old propeller aircraft, and considering they are old WW2 aircraft, they are much slower, something which makes them an easy target. Why the New Zealand air force has decided to target the Red Cross, neither he nor his Eurocopter know, unless it's some renegade air force general who ordered the attack for personal reasons. Either way, it doesn't matter. In a matter of minutes, the attackers will be blown sky high.

In a few seconds, the Eurocopter is rearmed and airborne. To avoid being hit by too many bullets, it'll fly at an extremely low altitude and perform evasive maneuvers. Once the enemy aircraft get extremely close, it'll fire its flares, which will cause them to evade and crash into each other, just like those jets. If this tactic works again, then it'll be lucky. He and Doctor Solace will have to wait and see.

After the Eurocopter is airborne, DS opens a crater box in the hangar and pulls out a small assembled drone.

After the Eurocopter is airborne, DS opens a crater box in the hangar and pulls out a small assembled drone

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Believe it or not, the Eurocopter is not the only aircraft in his arsenal. About a year ago, before the civil war in Austronesia broke out, a Red Cross doctor and firefighter had an idea of developing a small drone that would be able to monitor enemy troops and communications between the Red Cross and Red Crescent personnel, an equivalent of the NATO AWACS. That way, they would be able to notify their crews of military positions in order to avoid possible confrontations. At first, they were thinking of building an unmanned air ambulance, but that would take lots of time and material that he didn't have in his possession. Even if he did have them, he would still need lots of time to test it, and he didn't have the time.

As a result, the SRV-800 Artsiv was built, with its name meaning 'Eagle' in Armenian. While this drone wasn't as advanced as the original AWACS or AEW&C aircraft, it was advanced enough to assist in search and rescue missions. With its powerful JB-280 radar, it could track down a target from 700 kilometers, something that other civilian aircraft and drones couldn't do. This aircraft helped by not only tracking down military positions for the Red Cross, but also assisting in various rescue missions. Finding trapped victims to tracking down missing vessels at the Austronesian sea and the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, the project never got off the ground and only two were built while a third one remained in its box disassembled. Surprisingly, the doctor who built those drones used to work on Doctor Solace, and now that his work got left behind, DS can use it to his advantage.

After setting up the catapults, DS places the two drones up and contacts them through his walkie talkie radio.

-'Samaritan One to Artsiv squadron, stand by to scramble', he says in his usual low voice tone.

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