Convoy X part 3

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As the Bulin sisters are heading towards the unknown fleet at maximum speed, Doctor Solace opens up his laptop and scans his AA weapons. They appear to be working just fine. All systems have been repaired, tested and are locked and loaded, ready to counter any threats. Looks like the repairs back at the island paid off. If he managed to hold off the Japanese attack on the base earlier, he can manage taking on the black jets again. Hopefully there won't be any other short circuit this time. He saw what he did to his own motors and weapons. Next time something like that happens, it will probably be the last time. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and won't act so recklessly. He's disergarded his own safety before in favor of his crew and patients, but only to keep them safe. Well, from now on he should pay a little more attention to his own actions as well. Right now, he's has concern himself with those 'Sirens'.

Speaking of which, 20 more black jets have been picked up on his radar, and they are armed to the teeth. Apparently they are persistent on sending him to the bottom of the sea once and for all, because according to his scanner, they are carrying more missiles than usual. In place of the four AA missiles they usually carry, there are only two of them with the other two being replaced by what looks like four pointy rocket pods, similar to the ones seen on Mi-35 helicopter and Su-25 attack aircraft, like the ones that were used by the Austronesian air force before it got completely wiped out in the NATO airstrikes. They probably think that using multiple rockets will at least cause some damage to DS' ship as they are too small and cannot be intercepted all at the same time. They must have studied his tactics and weaponry and analyzed him thouroughly in order to find his weakness, and when they didn't, which they didn't, they probably decided to attack head on once again. Looks like those jets never learn from their mistakes, do they. Well, looks like he'll have to deal with them once again.

Not wasting time, he locks on to the five first jets and points his RIM batteries upwards. Before he can pull the trigger though, the jets make a left turn and get behind the first one. They then climb at 1000 feet and dive towards DS, firing their rockets right in the middle and forcing him to perform evasive maneuvers. DS wasn't expecting that to happen. Attacking from above from an angle where his weapons can't return fire. They must have figured it out after their previous tactics failed to work. Attacking from all sides is one tactic. Attacking from above on the other hand has never been tried before simply because that method is considered outdated. By reinstating it in the air force, they probably thought that they would at least have some minor success. Well, looks like they found his weakness, if that counts.

After evading the missiles and rockets, DS makes a hard right starboard turn and points his weapons again. For the second time, the next wave of black jets repeats the same tactic. And while their missiles and rockets missed again, DS can't return fire either. The angle is too narrow for his CIWS and RIM batteries to lock on to them. Every time they fire, they pull back from their dive attacks and climb again before he has the time to lock on. Their attacks are so synchronized that he needs to maneuver as fast as possible in order to evade them all together. A few seconds after one wave completes its attack another one takes position and makes its move. 

-'It's no good', says DS while still maneuvering from port to starboard and vice versa. 'They standing in my blind spots'.

-'Your AA weapons appear to have no effect', says the Eurocopter which is safe in the hangar. It can't see what's happening outside, but from the explosions and the sound of the CIWS, it can pretty much speculate the situation outside.

-'Apparently they don't', replies DS, this time shooting at the jets with his shotgun. Just then, an idea comes up in his mind. 'Get ready to scramble'.

-'What, are you insane?', asks the Eurocopter, surprised by what it has just heard. 'It's a literal Warzone out there. They'll blow me out of the sky'.

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