Repairs Part 2

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As soon as they arrive at the harbor, the Jeep stops and DS gets off real quick, running towards the Bulin ships. They are engulfed in flames. Not only that, the ammunition keeps exploding, causing small fires on board their decks while the dockyard cranes near them have been caught in the blast. Some of them have collapsed on top of the ships, causing further damage to the bridge area. It's quite the mess to be honest. How the ships are still afloat is nothing short of a miracle. Well, the ships are repairable, but the humans are not, which is why he needs to look for the two sisters.

He runs towards the ships where he sees the two Bulin sisters sitting down against one of the cranes. They seem to be heavily wounded. Universal appears to be bleeding from her left arm and her stomach, which appears to have a large cut. Her sister's wounds on the other hand, seem to be much lighter. A few scratches at the face and the legs, but that's just about it. It appears as if she's not feeling the wounds, cause she appears to be moving around normally. That's strange. A wound of that level would have paralyzed her. Yet she's still standing. Not only is it strange, but impressive as well. Looks like DS will have a lot of work to do here.

-'You okay?', aks DS as he kneels in front of Universal and opens his first aid kit. 'What happened?'.

-'A metal part of the crane fell on to me', replies Universal as she's coughing blood, struggling to speak. 'I got out of the way, but the sharp metal managed to cut in deep in my stomach'.

-'Don't move, it'll make the bleeding worse', says DS and takes out an elastic bandage, large enough for Universal's stomach cut. Normally, he would've used a plastic bandage, but the wound is so big such a small first aid tool. Even if he could use a plastic bandage, it is so thin that it wouldn't be able to stop the bleeding.

He quickly wraps the bandage around Universal's stomach, tightening as much as possible, and pulls out his two-way radio.

-'I need one of you ambulances at the harbor ASAP, life or death situation', he says to his ambulances through the radio. He then signals Vestal to approach as he cannot do all the medical work by himself. 'Keep pressure on the wound, it'll slow down the bleeding if not stop it', he continues. 'I can't treat her with this equipment, we have to wait for one of my ambulances'.

-'Understood', says Vestal and presses Universal's stomach. DS then takes out two tourniquets which he wraps around Universal's arm. Why two? Because the wound is too big, one tourniquet is not enough. If he wants to control the bleeding, he needs to double the amount of medicine, and that includes using the first aid tools.

After a few minutes, one of the Toyota HiAce ambulances arrives at the scene. It took a rather long time to get here. DS had made the call about fifteen minutes ago, and he did say life or death situation. It's not that big of an island for a ground vehicle to cover such a distance. Yet, for it to take 15 minutes to get here, that's a problem. If it's not due to the craters on the road, then it's something else. Regardless, it's not the time to be concerned about something like that. They have a wounded victim to take care of, and they must act quickly. Universal has lost a lot of blood, and DS doesn't know how much time she's got left.

Not wasting time, DS picks up Universal, and carries her to the ambulance like a wounded princess . As soon as she is placed on the stretcher, she immediately falls unconscious. Of course she would. She's lost too much blood and her pulses have slowed down. It's a good thing the ambulance arrived at this moment. Another minute and she might not have made it.

Vestal for some reason, can't help but feel jealous. Even in a life or death situation, her jealousy just got the best of her. Why couldn't she be carried like princess? She wants to know that feeling as well. On the other hand, she has to focus on her responsibility as a repair ship. All of her comrades are equal here, so even if she's at odds with someone from Azur Lane, she still needs to take care of them, because they are on the same side.

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