Meeting the carriers

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After having finally completed his inspection across the island, Doctor Solace can finally relax for a bit. Not that he got tired from it since the only thing he did was check the areas and take notes, but ever since he got teleported here, he's been on high alert due to the small skirmishes he had with the Sirens' air force. Every time he felt relaxed, the Sirens' would attack again, forcing him to defen himself. He's been completely exhausted. Sure he has seen action at the Austronesian sea when he's had to defend himself from drones and boats of the NRC navy and the PLF air force, but the times he fought them off weren't as frequent as they are now. Facing a squadron of a few drones is much more different than having an entire air force as the main opponent. The number of drones might be endless, but they are still in their early stages. Stealth jets on the other hand, are not an easy threat to deal with. Invisible on the radar, and too fast to intercept, and while he was able to shoot down as many as he could, there's always the possibility of the opposing force being able to sink him to the bottom of the ocean. So far, he's been lucky, but luck doesn't last forever. Maybe that's why he's always been extra careful. At least now he can get some rest and relax. Not only that, he can also perform his medical work and research, just like he hoped.

After having inspected the last building, he and Vestal walk back towards the Jeep, judging by how calm he is, it would appear that he is satisfied with the security and medical measures taken by the personnel. In reality, DS is lost in his thoughts. Given how many years ahead his technology and medicine are, he's trying to process how exactly he can modernize the entire healthcare system. In comparison to the Azur Lane faction, his medical equipment is at least 60 to 70 years ahead. Modernizing the healthcare here is going to take some considerable time. Given that he is the only one possessing the most advanced technology in his arsenal, he'll have to start from scratch.

He and Vestal are about to enter the Jeep when a green haired girl wearing a white, navy-style skirt approaches them. It's none other than repair ship Akashi, and she looks just as joyful and relaxed as ever. After lying around for so long, it would seem that she has finally decided to move around and actually do some work.

-'Are you Doctor Solace?', she asks in a rather lazy voice tone.

-'Indeed I am, though I should have already been pretty obvious from my appearance and male voice', replies DS in his usual emotionless voice tone. 'Can I help you with something?'

-'Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth wants you to be present at the harbor', continues Akashi. 'The weapons demonstration that you asked to perform has been approved, so she'd like you to be there now'.

-'On my way', says DS and enters the jeep with Vestal. 'Sorry Vestal, we'll have to postpone the ambulance demonstration for later'.

-'It's okay', replies Vestal. 'I understand. When Her Majesty demands something, she probably has a reason for it'.

-'Even when there's a fire or somebody's wounded?', asks DS rhetorically.

-'No, of course not', replies Vestal again. 'She's not that strict or totalitarian. Of course she prioritizes the safety of everyone and everything'.

-'I know, I'm only joking', says DS. The way he said though, seems rather serious. To be honest, it's been a long time since he laughed at some joke, so it's only natural for hom not knowing how to act. 'Nevertheless, I'm going to have a serious talk with Her Majesty about the medical and fire safety measures taken here'.

-'I understand', says Vestal, not knowing whether she has to object his opinion or not. 'I'm coming along. I wish to see your weaponry in action'.

-'Do as you wish, I don't mind', says DS and they both enter the Jeep.

After fifteen more minutes of driving, the convoy arrives back at the harbor where Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and five more shipgirls are present, waiting for him, and they are all armed to the teeth. Judging by their facial expressions, they look either excited or very serious about this weapons test. The most serious one though, seems to be the white haired girl wearing the captain's hat. Of all the shipgirls present, she's the only one that looks like the humorless, all serious individual who takes everything literally. It would seem that she would rather be either at her bed to sleep or out at the open sea, fighting the enemy.

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