Air Defense

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After locking on to Doctor Solace, two black jets fire three missiles, all of which are intercepted by DS' flare guns. His computers and weapon systems may not be working, but the flare guns are powerful enough to trick the heat source of the missiles. That will buy him and Bulin a few more seconds. The problem is that DS has a very limited number of flares and will have to use them carefully, which will be a problem as there are hundreds of jets flying above them. If he doesn't get his defense systems fixed soon, he'll most likely turn into pieces of burning metal, and considering how critical his situation is, it looks like the odds are against him and Bulin.

Speaking of Bulin, she has just cut off the tow-rope and has changed course twenty degrees to starboard, since the attackers are attempting to surround them, she thinks it's better to keep her distance from Doctor Solace as she fears that her shells might accidentally land on him and wound him or even worse, sink him, and that's something she has to avoid. True, they didn't start on very good terms, but since he released her from custody, she doesn't find a reason to send him at the bottom of the ocean. She doesn't trust him yet, but there's no reason to be suspicious of him completely. If she can solve this misunderstanding, she can at least protect him from the enemy.

After putting out the fires on her deck, she walks over to the bow and activates her wisdom cube. Then, as if by magic, a blue light glows around her ship and it dematerializes, becoming one with her. It's been a while since she has used this type of feature, so she doesn't remember very well how to handle it. Last time she used it was nearly two years ago when she had to defend her home port from the Sirens that attempted to bombard their facilites and kill her. It'll be hard to get used to it again, but she'll manage just like the last time.

Doctor Solace, who had been oberving Bulin, is caught off-guard. He has never seen any ship do something like that before. It seems absurd and very sci-fi. This can be done only in science fiction movies, except that what he's seeing is real. He's clearly awake, so he can't be seeing things. A few minutes ago, he was clearly interacting with her, and he did tow her ship a few meters away from the position he found it. Could this be a new weapon being tested by one of the navies from one of the nearby nations? Possibly, but it's a little exaggerating. There has to be something else behind all this. Whatever it is, he'll find out. But first, he and Bulin need to defend themselves from the black jets.

Suddenly, a second heat seeking missile is fired by another black jet and land right near DS' starboard side. This time, the missile must have been carrying a bigger warhead because the explosion was so big that it caused his ship to shake violently, making him lose balance and hit his head on the floor. Too bad his hazmat suit does not have any cushions inside, otherwise the impact wouldn't have been that painful. Since it's only made to protect from diseases and radiation, he'll need to be more careful while in combat.

-'That's it. I've had enough', he says and types a specific code in his laptop. This time, he's really fed up with all those missiles being fired and exploding near him. He did try to ignore all the previous attacks and tried to defend himself, but if they are that persistent, he'll be glad to oblige. He did try to hold back his fury, but was only a matter of time.

After three more attempts, he finally manages to link his laptop to the CIWS and RIM missiles. They are not completely restored yet, the automatic lock-on mode is still offline, meaning the CIWS and missile batteries cannot lock onto the enemy aircraft by themselves. For that reason, he'll have to control them manually. This by no means makes it any easier, as he's got access to four different cameras which forces him to focus on multiple targets rather than one single object. On the other hand, he got no choice. The enemy is all around him and he must defend himself.

After restoring the main system, he locks on to four aircraft, and using his laptop's screen, he fires four missiles, all of which hit the black jets, blasting them into pieces. Looks like he can still put up a fight, at least until his laptop shuts down. A few hours ago, he was using his laptop to restore power to the lazer system, which means he had used most of the battery. Now he's got less than twenty percent of energy left, and it's not guaranteed it will be enough, and considering how outnumbered he and Bulin are, it doesn't look like they can last long. They only way they can make it out in one piece is by sheer luck.

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