Espionage part 1

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While Doctor Solace and the Bulin sisters were preparing their ships for the long journey, the Sirens had been monitoring their activities. DS might not be aware, but during the battle against the Japanese aircraft, the Siren ship that had been sent by their leader had managed to track down and follow DS to the Universals' base. How she did that? She had managed to track down the Eurocopter after the second battle against the Viper jets. While the Eurocopter had been battling the squadron during the search and rescue mission, the jets had managed to jam the helo's signal and had gained access to its radar without it knowing. That way, they managed to track down the air ambulance no matter where it flew, following it all the way as it landed on DS' helipad, and thus following him in the process. Now they had also found the position of the Universals' naval base, although they knew from the start where it was. The only reason they haven't attacked them so far is because their base is too small to be of any strategic value. And yes, they do produce weapons and spare parts, but in comparison to the Azur Lane's factories, this one is way too small. So in other words, they leave them be and let them do as they wish because they are weak.

-'Really impressive, for a transport ship', says Observer Alpha, the Sirens' second in command. 'So weak, yet so strong'.

-'What were you expecting?', asks Tester, the third in command of the Sirens. 'Transport ships serve a very important role in this war. Humans have roamed the oceans, searching for various continents, finding places to live in and expand, and it all began from those puny transport ships. They are the ones that carried the humans around. I think you underestimate him'.

-'Wrong, I never underestimate our enemies', replies Observer, trying to counter Tester's claim. 'I'm simply studying them. I like to observe my enemy's tactics. By knowing how they operate, I can turn their tactics against them. As you saw, that white ship never fired first. It waited for its enemies to attack and I want to know why, by observing it'.

-'I see', says Tester. This is the only reply thing she can say. Sometimes, she just wishes she knew what was inside Observer's head. The way she thinks, speaks and behaves is just way too adavanced for her to understand. This 'poetry' as the humans call it, is way too complicated for her. She's just a soldier that follows orders, she hasn't had the opportunity to do anything else ever since she was built.

As Observer continues to keep an eye on the base, something on the harbor catches her attention. She looks through her binoculars to see one of the two Scania fire trucks spraying water onver spilled oil. Then, all of a sudden, her expression changes from emotionless to excited. The sight of the fire truck has made her feel something she has never felt before. She has never seen such a cool vehicle before, let alone one that can shoot water. Her eyes are literally glowing with amazement and joy.

-'What is that vehicle over there?', she asks as she continues to observe the fire truck.

-'Which one?', asks Tester, unable to see from the distance.

-'That one over there', replies Observer and hands over the binoculars to Tester while pointing at the vehicle with her right hand.

-'Oh that one?', asks Tester again after spotting the Scania as well. 'Humans call it a 'fire truck'. I heard they use it to put out fires and rescue people'.

Observer then takes the binoculars back and keeps staring at the truck. She just can't believe that a vehicle like that exists. Usually, when one of their ships catches fire, either from enemy shells, or from accidents, they use seawater to put it out, and not in the same way as humans. That's because unlike the humans, they never had any firefighting systems or vehicles. They had never faced any situations like that, so they never thought it was necessary. But now that she has seen the fire truck and observed how it works, she might have to start thinking about something like that and how possible it is to happen.

-'I want to know more about this vehicle', says Observer, trying to hide her excitement. For the first time, she has found something else to keep herself busy with, other than fighting. To be honest, that's the first time she has ever found something else. To others, a fire truck may be a ridiculous subject, but to her, it seems to be of very big importance. 'As soon as it's dark, I'll go there to infiltrate their base'.

-'What about the white ship?', asks Tester again, confused as Observer's logic makes no sense to her.

-'It can wait', replies Observer again, trying to reason with her. 'But if you're so persistent, I'll leave it to you'.

-'As you wish'.

-'But remember, you are to only keep an eye on it. Do not attack unless I tell you', continues Observer. The way she said it though, seems either serious, amusing, or both. Tester can't tell for sure, but she finds it rather amusing. All those years they've been fighting, she can only remember Observer following orders, lacking the equivalent of human emotion. If there was an order from the leader, she would just do as told, without any objections for anything, just like a mindless drone. To finally have the ability to feel emotion just because of a fire truck, it's both funny and ridiculous. Well, at least she can watch her humiliate herself, or so she thinks.

What she doesn't know, is that the fire truck has given Observer Alpha a great idea. An idea that nobody in her faction would have ever thought of. If the humans have such an amazing machine, then so can they. Problem is, she doesn't know how to design a vehicle like that. If she had the blueprints though, then it's a whole other story. Which is exactly what she's going to do. As soon as night falls, she'll grab the chance and sneak into the base. One way or another, she'll get those blueprints and make her own fire truck for her faction.

(And that's all for today's chapter. Sorry for it being so short, but I couldn't think of what else to write. I thought this would look nice for the story, so I decided to give it a try. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, feel free to check out and subscribe to my Youtube ( ( and Dailymotion ( channels. Until then, see you next time. Remember, your opinion is always important).

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