The meeting part 1

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After inspecting all the ambulances and fire trucks thouroughly, DS takes off his bulletproof vest and puts on his orange one. Since the state of combat is over, he has no reason to wear the military vest anymore. He's in a safe zone, so he'd rather appear in his 'ceremonial' uniform. And while his hazmat suit can hardly be considered a uniform, it's definitely better than nothing. After all, it is the only thing available in his stocks. Even if he wants to change clothes, he'd still have to wear one of the backup hazmat suits he has with him. Well, at least he won't look like somebody from the nuclear apocalypse that way.

After putting on his orange vest, he takes off his goggles and surgical mask, and lowers the suit's hood for a few seconds. It's a good thing there aren't any mirrors or cameras at the section of the hangar he's in. He doesn't know what his face looks like, but he's not eager to see what he looks like either. Some might think it's because he hates his own face and that he can't bear to see it, either because of scars or burns. That's not what it is though. On the contrary, he has no problem with his face. It might sound ridiculous, but in reality, he likes to keep the mystery of what he actually looks like. To reinforce that opinion, he tells himself that he's ugly so that he can discourage himself from looking at the mirror. Whether this is true or not, only he knows that. But better to be mysterious than straightforward sometimes.

After activating his walkie talkie radio, he puts on his white F2-XTREM helmet and lowers its face shield, covering his face completely except his eyes. At least now his eyeglasses won't fog up every time he breathes. Lately, he's had a few problems with this as his goggles and surgical mask were airtight with his suit. They were so airtight that all the air was redirected back to his face for every breath he took. Now with the helmet, he won't have that problem anymore. He can keep his face covered while also being able to see where he's going. Normally, the F2 is a fire helmet worn only by Red Cross and Red Crescent firefightes. Ambulance crews don't wear any helmets as it hasn't been necessary so far, although they do have their own hard hats just in case. The reason the Red Cross and Red Crescent chose the specific helmet for their fire brigades is because it was much cheaper, lighter and could be easily customized in comparison its American or Russian counterparts. So while DS doesn't have a hat, he prefers to wear the F2 helmet rather thatn having to keep the hood of his suit lifted up all the time.

After adjusting the walkie talkie radio to the right frequency, he hears a voice, which is none other than Universal.

-'Doctor Solace, are you receiving me?', she says in her calm voice tone.

-'Affirmative Universal, I'm receiving you loud and clear', replies DS, also in his calm voice tone.

-'You've been given the green light to disembark', continues Universal.

-'Copy that, I'll be there right away', replies DS again and gets up and lifts his helmet's face shield.

-'Okay, we're waiting for you, over and out', says Universal and hangs up the radio.

After looking around him for a few more seconds, he lowers the face shield again and walks towards the main door which slowly opens, revealing the sunlight which appears to be blinding him. He must have been in that hangar for a very long time cause it's been like nine hours since the battle ended. Ever since, he hasn't gotten out in the sunlight. The way he puts his hands in front of the transparent part of the helmet's face shield suggests he probably slept for a while. Thankfully, this only lasts a few seconds as he's quickly able to snap out of it and return to his senses. Sure the sun can blind someone temporarily, but this is ridiculous. He's never had problems with the sun, no matter how many time he looked at it. To have problems now suggests he's beginning to have problems with his health, more specifically, his eyesight. As soon as he's done with the meeting, he'll need to get that looked at.

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