Show of Force

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After putting on his PASGT helmet, Doctor Solace runs towards the bridge and arms his shotgun. His radar has picked up five more ships, and this time, they cannot be identified or scanned. It's as if they are using a jammer to block his radio signals. The only detail his radar can identify ais their size. Judging by how big they are, they appear to be either carriers or battlecruisers. If that's the case, then the superior firepower of the opponents will be too much for him to handle. Thankfully, he and his Eurocopter will be receiving some air support from Enterprise and the rest of the carriers. At least that way, he won't be outnumbered 40 to 1. Sure he may have superior weaponry, but that doesn't necessarily make him powerful against an entire fleet. Well, he'll just have to wait and see.

After arriving to the bridge, he activates his AA batteries and RIM missiles. This time, they are the real deal. Fully armed with explosives and ready to shred any aircraft to pieces. This time, DS has learned from his mistakes, and will not let himself or his Eurocopter fall into the same trap again. Last time he nearly got cut in half by one of those old torpedoes. He's not going to make the same mistake again.

With the first few bombers in missile range, he locks on and fires all his nine bow RIM missiles at once, which hit the first nine aircraft and cause damage to another five, forcing them to retreat with black smoke coming out of their motors, much to the impression of Vestal and Queen Elizabeth. Sure they saw DS in action a few minutes earlier, but the fact that he can lock on and fire his missiles from that distance, it's just not possible. They have to examine his weapons more carefully when this is over. Maybe they can even get their own anti-aircraft missile systems for themselves. They just have to arrange that with him.

After shooting down the first few aircraft, a shell lands near him, causing him to fall back and hit the wall. It's a good thing he's wearing a helmet, otheriwise it could have been fatal. How he was able to tell it was a shell, because the salvo was smaller than that of a bomb. That means it was fired from a destroyer. And it's not any type of destroyer. It's the one with the 5.9 inch guns. An upgrade of the previous model. The most popular destroyer in the Kriegsmarine and the Vichy French Navy. The Type 1936A destroyer.

After regaining his consciousness, he quickly gets up, picks up his shotgun and jumps on the water. To his surprise, a young, blonde girl, wearing a black and white dress and a black kriegsmarine hat, is facing him, and she is pointing her 5.9 inch cannon towards him. Seriously? Is the navy commanded by kids in this alternate universe? What else is he going to witness here? If that's common in this universe, then he landed in the wrong universe. Regardless, he must not let himself be distracted by the tiny details.

-'Z23, as I thought', says DS and points his shotgun at the young girl.

-'Identify yourself', says Z23 and prepares to pull the trigger.

-'I am Doctor Solace, lead ship of my class', replies DS and arms his shotgun. 'I assume you've never heard of me'.

-'No, I have not, and I don't care', replies Z23 in a serious voice tone. 'You are an enemy, so you must die. Unless you are willing to stand down and surrender'.

-'Not a chance', says DS and pulls the trigger, causing Z23 to dodge the shot. For a destroyer of her class, Z23 is impressively fast, much faster than her original model. She's probably received some upgrades to make herself that fast. Even so, that doesn't discourage DS from keeping up the fight.

After aiming more carefully, DS shoots again, this time with the bullet hitting her right knee, wounding her and causing her to lose her balance. He didn't want to shoot her, but he had no other choice. He could have used his stun gun, but when he's standing on top of water, the possibilities and dangers of electrocution are extermely high. He already learned from his mistake earlier with the short cicruit he suffered, and he is not willing to take such a risk any further. Even if there was no such danger, his stun gun has a very limited range, meaning it's ineffective from such a distance.

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