Search and Rescue

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After being airborne, the Eurocopter activates its radar and jamming systems and flies towards the wreckage at maximum speed. It's been about ten minutes since Doctor Solace received the distress call by the unknown ship. He didn't respond earlier because he was busy with the black jets that had opened fire on him a few minutes ago. Now that he's trying to respond, he receives no answer. That means either its radio went completely dead or even worse, the ship has gone down. If that's the case, then he's got a serious problem. The last position he received was 12 miles west of his own position, but the message was follwed by static, it wasn't very clear. All he got was 16 degrees west, but nothing else. 16 degrees, but where on the west? The ocean is too way too big, and without a specific position, he can't be sure where to search. He did pick up a small dot on his radar, but it disappeared almost immediately after that, meaning he didn't have the time to sign the coordinates. It's like searching a needle in a haystack. Still, he can't just give up like that. He's saved many lives before, and he needs to save more. As a hospital ship, he has a duty to fulfil, and he will fulfil it one way or another. If it's luck, God, or both that will show him the way, he needs to hang on to that. Being the Orthodox believer that he's trying to be, he needs to pray. He needs to pray that he will find someone alive there. He might not save everyone, but he can save as many lives as he can. Since his prayers worked many times before, they'll probably work again.

After flying for about 40 minutes, the Eurocopter spots something on its two o'clock. It appears to be black smoke rising from the surface of the ocean. Maybe that's the ship that sent the distress singal earlier, and the helicopter's radar sytem and the GPS is showing the number 16 in the coordinates, so it has to be the right location. The only way of finding out is by flying closer and analyze the target. It might be risky, as there might still be enemy aircraft out there. but it's worth taking. If there is somebody alive in there, they need to save him or her. Besides, even if the Eurocopter did come under attack, it can deploy its flares and radar jammer if it has to. That way it'll be both invisible to enemy radars and impervious to enemy missiles. But since the Eurocopter is not picking up any aircraft or ships on its radar, it's probably safe to proceed.

After flying close to the wreckage, the helicopter contacts Doctor Solace.

-'Samaritan One this is Savior one', it says in an electronic voice. 'I have located the wreckage, 16.39 north and 56.41 west, there are no survivors'.

-'Copy that Savior One', replies Doctor Solace while trying to fix his computer. 'Circle the area, there might still someone alive down there'.

-'I already did that, there is absolutely no sign of life for the next 500 meters', replies the helo. 'I did spot a few silhouettes on the water, but they were already dead when I flew over'.

-'Copy that Savior One. Take a few photos of the wreck and the dead corspes, they might help in identifying the wreck and its passengers'.

-'Copy that Samaritan One', replies the helicopter and activates its camera. As soon as it begins taking pictures though, its radar picks up five dots coming straight towards it. To make matters worse, the aircraft are identified as the same black jets that attacked Doctor Solace earlier. Looks like whoever runs this mystrious air force is eager to finish off Doctor Solace no matter what, and his helicopter just got in the way. Well, it won't really be a big deal for the Eurocopter since it has its own defense systems, but five against one isn't really a fair match. Well, there's no way of avoiding this battle. Doctor Solace won't be able to help here, so the Eurocopter is on its own here, and the fact that it has no weapons at all doesn't make things any easier.

As soon as the jets get close enough, they fire five missiles but all are intercepted and are sent crashing and exploding in the ocean. They fire their missiles again, but those too are intercepted by the helicopter's radar jammer. The signal from the Eurocopter is so powerful that the missiles are hacked the moment they are launched from the jets. It doesn't matter how many missiles they fire, all of them are intercepted and destroyed. The jets then try their bullets, they too seem to do no harm. You see, flares and a radar jammer are not the only equipment the Eurocopter carries. 

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