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After having fixed the laser system, Doctor Solace closes the laptop and walks back to the infirmary room. He's already been there for nearly an hour and there are still a few glitches to fix. When he plugged the laptop to the laser system, he thought it would only take him a few minutes to find the source of the problem. He's faced similar problems before, so this didn't seem any different to him. If it could be fixed once, it could certainly be fixed again. A small glitch like that wouldn't stop him that easily. Unfortunately, when he activated the laptop, he discovered he had an even bigger problem than he thought. It wasn't just a glitch in the system. The entire system had shut down completely and to reactivate it, it required a completely different software than the one it was installed in. It's like the entire sytem became independent from the rest of the computer and then shut itself down for no reason, like somebody hacked the system. That's a seems unlikely though, as the computer didn't detect any virus or interference in the radar or electronic systems. This meant the systems were working just fine, so it has to be something else. Whatever it is he'll fix it later. Right now he needs to go and see his patient. It's been about three hours since he last checked up on her, she's probably still asleep. The dose he gave her was much smaller than before, so she'll probably wake up soon. As soon as she does, he'll have to start the interrogation. He's still in a state of confusion, so he needs to settle a few things out.

He approaches the door and walks inside the room. The young girl is still asleep, just as he was expecting. The dose still hasn't worn out. That means he has to wait a few more minutes until she wakes up. He did check the medicine when he drugged her, it was supposed to wear out a few minutes ago. Maybe he made a mistake and miscounted it. If that's the case, it might cost him her life, and something like that could prove very shameful for the Red Cross. Losing a patient due to recklessness has never happened before on his watch, and he does not intend to let that happen. It might sound like overreacting, but giving a patient more milliliters than the ones planned is a very serious matter. All he can do is hope that she'll wake up soon.

He is about to sit down when he hears the bed behind him creaking. He turns around to see that the girl is slowly waking up. Good for him, at least he can now rest assured that she's not dead.

-'What happened?', asks the girl, trying to make out what happened while still trying to open her eyes. She probably still feels dizzy from the impact that threw her overboard. Maybe that's also knocked her out as well. Come to think of it, when Doctor Solace inspected her, he did find a big bruise on her shoulders and spine, and they weren't regular bruises. They looked more like bruises that would appear after falling from a very high altitude. That means she fell on the water from the back, and the impact was way too bug for her to maintain her consciousness.

-'Oh you're awake', says DS in his low voice tone. 'I thought you were dead'.

Surprised, the girl looks at Doctor Solace and jumps back. Apparently his appearance has scared her. Can anyone blame her? Being in the middle of combat, and then waking up to find a person with a yellow suit right in front of you, anyone would panic.

-'Who are you?', she asks in a panicked voice tone. 'Where am I? what do you want from me?'

-'Relax, I won't harm you', replies DS, trying to calm her down in the best way possible. 'If I wanted to hurt you I would have done so already'.

-'Then why are my hands cuffed?', she asks, still in a panicked voice tone while trying to break free from the handcuffs she's been tied to. As much as it seems inhumane to handcuff a patient to his/her bed, Doctor Solace does not want to take any risks by allowing a patient to roam free. Since he is in a state of combat, the security measures must be taken seriously. If there was a guard here, maybe he wouldn't have to go this far, but because he is responsible for both self defense and guarding duties, he doesn't have much of a choice, as he's got to be on alert for many things at the same time.

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