Short circuit

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It's been about seven hours since the attack took place. Doctor Solace is cruising at a steady speed of 10 knots, still towing Bulin's ship, which by the way is still on fire. So far, all the attempts to put it out have failed. He tried using his hoses, he tried using the helicopter for aerial firefighting, he has tried to use foam, nothing has worked. It's as if this flame is made out of the Greek Fire which was used by the Byzantine navy and army, which could be extinguished with only sand. Speaking of which, DS had considered using sand, but since he is in the middle of the ocean, there's no way of picking up any from the bottom, and even if he could, it would be so wet that it probably wouldn't change anything. The only option he has is to find dry land and use the sand there. Hopefully that will solve the problem once and for all, but there is also another problem. He is sailing miles away from dry land and with no idea where he is heading, and his radar isn't much of a help.

At the same time, he has been trying to restore the lazer target system on the weapons deck without much success. Last time he tried to use his laptop, the whole system crashed and shut down completely, disabling the entire computer network. This means his radio is also down and the main electrical generator has also been shut down. This means he now runs on backup power which is not enough. The backup generator doesn't have as much energy as the main one, it's completely underpowered, and considering it hasn't been used for a very long time, it needs hours to recharge.

After creating a third software and trying to reconnect it for a third time, DS has finally had enough.

-'Useless computer', he says and punches the lazer turret. 'Now that I need your assistance the most, I can't have it. What am I supposed to do now?'. He then looks at the electrical hatch where the wires are stored. Then he comes up with an idea. If he can't reconnect it by computer, he'll have to do it manually. If he can just reroute power from the generator to the lazer, it'll probably reactivate it. It might be risky, but it's worth a try. Anything is better than staying out here, exposed to enemy attacks. If he can somehow find a solution to all of this, then he'll be lucky to survive along with Bullin.

Speaking of Bulin, she hasn't moved from her bed at all. She did get up once to analyze her surroundings and the objects around her, but then she got back to her bed. She's probably still suspicious of DS's intentions and is afraid of what might happen to her, even though it doesn't look like it. It's a good thing he removed all knives and other sharp tools from the room, or she might have tried to kill herself, and as a Red Cross vessel, he can't have that. He is supposed to save lives, not take them away. For the time being, all he can do is continue surveillance. She cannot be trusted yet, so she'll remain under lock and key.

After picking up a wire cutter, a screwdriver, and some electrical tape, DS opens the hatch and inspects the system, it's much more complicated than he thought. The system appears to be connected to six different batteries, each for different use. He doesn't know exactly what purpose the other batteries serve, but he can easily identify the main battery. As far as he can remember, the main electrical devices are attached to red wires which are linked to both the main and the secondary power generator and can transmit energy when either of the two is functioning. If he cuts some of the wires, it might increase energy to one part of the ship. Normally, that's a job for a cable ship, but since there ain't any of them here, he needs to repair himself, even if that means rebuilding the circuit system from the ground up.

He picks up the screwdriver and attempts to disconnect the main power core, but as soon as the screwdriver makes contact, a giant wave of sparks showers his hazmat suit, and a strong energy of 300 volts hits his body, throwing him two meters away. Looks like it wasn't a very smart choice to try and plug a screwdriver into a functioning device. Normally, he should have shut down the turret completely to avoid such an accident, but he thought that reducing the volts would minimize the danger. Well, he was wrong.

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