Espionage part 2

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It's been several hours since Doctor Solace and the two Bulin sisters left the base. It's now 10 PM and all the lights and electrical equipment are illuminating the Universals' base. Normally, under wartime regulations, the base is not supposed be lighten up like a Christmas tree at that time of the night due to the threats of naval bombardments and air raids. Usually, they would leave only a few street lamps and a few room lamps lighting the area and the interiors of the buldings. The thing is though, that due to the neutrality the Univesals follow, the two sides have manage to repsect their policy and avoid their base. Well, for the most part, with a few exceptions in an attempt to exercise their influence on them. Nevertheless, this hasn't stopped the Universals from standing up for themselves and hold their ground. And with Doctor Solace now offering his assistance, their security is assured for the best.

After making sure that the coast is clear, Observer sails slowly towards the coast and under the cover of darkness. She's been waiting the whole day for that specific moment. She's has been observing the Scania fire truck moving left and right and shooting water from its aerial tower. Every single moment, she has been observing with amazement and interest. Even though she tried to hide it from Tester and the others, she made herself pretty obvious which made their leader mock her. Well, it's time to prove them all wrong and show what she's really worth.

After dematerialing her ship, she walks slowly to the field hospital where the ambulances and fire trucks are stationed, keeping an eye for possible patrols by looking left and right and vice versa. She needs to be cautious as even the best spy can sometimes make mistakes, and while Observer is not a spy, she's been successful in various infilatration missions, having gathered important information for her and her leader's fleet, which is probably one of the many reasons the two sides haven't managed to score a single victory yet. If it weren't for Observer, maybe the Sirens wouldn't have won in the first place.

As soon as she makes sure there's nobody watching she runs towards the field hospital and approaches the Scania fire truck. Not being able to resist her urge, she touches the vehicle, caressing its front bumper and headlights. She so excited that she can't help but caress the vehicle in a rather inappropriate way as if it was a human. In fact the truck can feel the intensity of the moment that it wakes up and its headlights and emergency lights begin to flash on and off. No human has showed affection towards it in such a way of caressing it like that. Admittedly, the truck can't help but feel some sort of relaxation as if it has forgot all the troubles it has to go through everyday in its fire and rescue responsibilites. As if it finally found a moment of peace.

Then, all of a sudden, the truck snaps back to reality, but before it cay say anything, it can hear Observer saying something.

-'What an impressive vehicle you are', she says as she keeps caressing the headlights, ingoring their flashing. 'I had never seen a fire truck before. I must admit, you are a little too big for a truck, but that's what I like about you. You look so simple, yet you are capable of doing what other vehicles of your category cannot do. Now then, let's look at your interior'. She then looks walks towards the right door and attempts to open it, but as soon as she touches the handle, the truck speaks.

-'Step back, you are standing too close to the vehicle', it says with its headlights flashing rhythmically. This catches Observer off guard who jumps back and looks around her to see if there's somebody watching her. To her surprise, there's no one around. She's all by herself with the vehicles.

-'Who said that?', she says quickly as she keeps looking around her.

-'I did', says the Scania through its loudspeaker, pointing its searchlight at Observer and flashing it on her face. 'And if you do not step away, I will be forced to take the necessary measures to defend myself'.

-'You talk?', asks Observer shocked as she looks at the Scania fire truck while it flashes its searchlight on her face.

-'Surprise, huh?', replies the fire truck. 'Now step back or I will be forced to initiate defensive measures'.

-'Not until I get what I want', replies Observer, smiling in a rather ironic facial expression. 'I want the blueprints of your engine, interior and every single detail of your construction'.

-'So that you can build thousands of trucks of me and use them for your military plans? Forget it', replies the Scania. 'Yes, I've heard about you and your faction. The Bulin sisters told me all about you'.

-'So you know about me. How flattering', says Observer, giggling and smiling.

-'Affirmative, now step away before I initiate defensive measures', says the Scania again and rolls back a few feet, pointing its water cannon towards Observer.

-'You can't hurt me with that thing, it's only water', she says. Unfortunately, she immediately regrets saying that as the Scania shoots its water in its maximum pressure of 450 psi, hitting her and causing her to roll a few meters away. Despite using her tentacles to shield herself, the water pressure is too much for her to handle and she is pushed back even further, nearly reaching the side of the hill. Even if she fell, this wouldn't be a problem for her since she is technically a warship herself and she can float like every other shipgirl. But the impact from the water is so powerful that it causes her tentacles to bleed, causing yellow blood to come out and flow across the grass. She never thought that a fire truck would be such a powerful vehicle. No wander it's able to tackle fires so easily. How come she never thought about that?

After five minutes, the Scania stops and rolls a few meters towards Observer, who is now bleeding from all her tentacles and now trying to catch her breath. She seems to have had enough and is unable to fight back, just like those protesters that it had to control outside the field hospital in Austronesia. The only difference is that this time it was only one person with an improvised shield. Powerful enough, but not as powerful as to counter the water in such a high pressure.

-'I see you're tough, I'm impressed', says the Scania as it rolls a few meters closer. 'But not nearly as tough. I'll call it a day, so you are free to go. But bear in mind, I won't be so merciful next time. I'm going to spray water on you until you bleed to death. I might be a fire truck, but I know who deserves to be saved and who doesn't'.

-'This isn't over. I'll get your blueprints if it's the last thing I ever do', says Observer and jumps into the sea, sailing away and back towards her fleet.

-'Good luck with that', says the Scania and rolls back to its parking spot. To its surprise, the other fire trucks and ambulances have not moved a single inch. It appears that they are still cooling their engines and did not realize what happened. In other words, they were sleeping and they still are. Even better. If Observer had remained so persistent, she and the Scania might have caused an even bigger commotion. It's a good thing it managed to resolve the situation quickly and as silently as possible. At least now it can also rest along with the rest of the vehicles now without any more trouble.

Unbeknownst to it, Observer had one of her stealth jets and one of her destroyers filming the entire scene and analyze the functioning of the vehicle. This will give her enough material so she can copy it to create the vehicle she wants. But that won't be enough. She will need those blueprints to for her design to be completed, and she will get them one way or another, so the Scania can be certain, this is not over yet.

(And that's all for today's chapter. I apologize for not updating this story sooner, but I'm busy at the fire service and I have to prepare for my final year in University. Let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments below. Also, feel free to check out and subscribe to my Youtube ( ( and Dailymotion ( channels. Until then, see you next time. Remember, your opinion is always important)

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