Field Hospital part 3

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As Doctor Solace is performing the blood transfusion to Universal, Bulin can't help but feel anxious about her sister. She promised to keep here safe no matter what, and now that she's on the brink of death, she can't do anything about it. She would really like to hold her hand, say that she's sorry for failing to protect her, that she regrets calling her all the nasty names, that she wishes to be there for her whenever she can.

Unfortunately, all she can do is sit down and wait. Doctor Solace did say she will live, so that's reassuring. Despite this though, every minute that passes feels like an eternity for her. The more she waits, the more anxious she gets. She would really like to enter the ambulance right now, but she can't. DS has made that clear. Given how she has seen him operate, she's got no choice but to trust him. After all, he saved her from the Sirens.

After about twenty minutes, the side door of the ambulance opens and DS gets out with Vestal. The sleeve on his hazmat suit is completely open and he is wearing a small bandage. Even though his face is not visible, it's clear that he's rather satisfied.

-'Your sister is okay', he says in his usual low voice tone. 'Her condition is now stable'.

Hearing that, Bulin can't help but shed tears of joy and excitement. She didn't really know if her sister was going to make it, but now she got the answer she was hoping for. Unable to hold back her happiness, she stands up and hugs DS as tight as she can.

-'Thank you DS, thank you. I don't know how to repay you', she says, tears still flowing from her eyes.

-'No need for that, I'm just doing my job', replies DS in his usual peaceful attitude. He saved a life, yet he feels nothing about it. 'Just get in the ambulance. I'll leave you two alone for a few minutes'.

-'Thank you DS, from my heart, I thank you', says Bulin, still hugging him tightly before pulling herself back and climbing aboard the ambulance with the side door shutting behind her.

With the blood transfusion complete, DS can now sit down and relax a bit. The last few hours have been extremely intense for him and his ambulances. He didn't expect things to be as serious and critical as they are right now. He's faced shells and missiles before, but this is too much for him. For the first time, he can truly feel the pressure of the risks he's taken since his commissioning as a hospital ship.

He's so exhausted, he can barely stand up anymore. Before he can take another step, he loses his balance and falls with his back towards the door of the ambulance. Vestal, who noticed how tired he is, rushes to his side.

-'You okay DS?', she asks, seemingly concerned and in a worried voice tone.

-'Just a little bit of exhaustion. Nothing I can't handle', replies DS, this time his voice tone sounding more tired than calm. 'I've had worse before. But at least we saved a life, and that's what counts'.

-'You are the one who saved a life, I didn't do much', replies Vestal.

-'Wrong. If it weren't for your assistance, I might not have been able to save her', insists DS, feeling some form of gratitude. 'You did good comrade Vestal, and I have to thank you for that.

Hearing that, Vestal can't help but feel flattered and blushes. Nobody had ever praised her like that before, let alone a male ship. The fact that she gets recognition for her hard work makes her feel both excited and relieved. This is the first time she hears from a fellow ship how her hard work is greatly appreciated. To hear that she saved a life, even though all she did was follow his instructions, it's both amazing and generous.

-'DS, you okay?', says the Jeep with its headlights flashing rhythmically.

-'I'm fine', replies DS, now having rested, even minimally. 'Something wrong?'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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