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Bill raises the gun as Georgie begins crying. "But you're not Georgie," he says before shooting him in the head.

Georgie falls to the ground, and you and the other losers walk closer.

It's quiet for a second; all you can hear is everyone's unsteady breathing, but then suddenly, Georgie begins shaking violently; it almost looks like he's having a seizure while screaming.

Georgie's feet turn into clown feet, then his arms, while he lets out a demonic sound that you thought would never come from Georgie's mouth.

You and the losers stand there and watch as he keeps shaking and parts of him turn into pennies.

Suddenly, he stops, making some of the losers, including you, jump back.

His parts start to get bigger, and then he gaps as he stands up.

"Kill it, Bill! Kill it!" Eddie screams from beside you.

Eddie screaming started a chain reaction, and now everyone is screaming at him to kill it.

The clown looks up, and that's when Mike realized something—"it's not loaded," he mumbled, but Bill didn't hear him because we're all screaming.

Bill cocks the gun and raises it to his head. "Hey! It's not loaded!" Mike shouts, repeating himself.

Bill still didn't hear him, so he shoots the clown, making him actually get injured, and he starts grunting manically.

"Holy shit," you mumbled under your breath as you watched the clown lean on his back to stare at the sky as a liquid that looked like blood shot out of his wound.

IT starts shaking and screaming again, and we all gasp and back away a few steps.

It's still shaking and looks at you guys, making you and the losers quickly stumble away. Bill was the only one brave enough to stay still at the same spot.

"Bill, watch out!" Richie yelled as the clown jumped at Bill, making some of you trip over because of how scared they were.

Bill puts up the gun, putting some distance between them, but IT starts shacking and biting it, making him weaker and causing the gun to slowly get lower and lower.

was the first one to unfreeze and say, "Leave him alone!" She shouts as she quickly kicks it, making him turn towards her, and as she tries to raise a spear from the gate up to hit him, he grabs it, causing her to stop.

"Beverly, no!" Eddie cried out as they fought for the pipe, making her drop it and slowly walk back.

Mike walks up with a bat. He was getting ready to hit Pennywise with it when the clown shoved him back, making him fly back and hitting the wall.

He falls to the ground, and Beverly and Eddie go to help him, and then Bill grabs a metal rod and shoves it in his mouth, and he starts shaking, trying to throw it off.

"Help him!" Beverly screamed.

You and Richie jump on its back, helping Bill fight him, then Ben grabs his arm and bites it while IT picks Stanley up and spins around.

He lets go of Stanley and he goes flying back. "Stanley!" you shouted as you started to struggle to stay on Pennywise's back.

You fall off, and then he throws Richie off, and he screams as he tumbles away next to Stand.

The clown flips Bill over, he hits the ground with a thud, and IT goes behind him.

You guys stand there waiting for what's about to come next.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑 // Stanley Uris x reader  Where stories live. Discover now