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You smile brightly as you try to keep your eyes open as light flashes blind you due to their brightness.

You're on the red carpet for the premiere of your new hit movie, dressed in a one of a kind gown that probably cost more than your childhood home.

Everyone is calling your name, attempting to get you to look in their direction. You do your best to pose and look in all the directions.

You step off the carpet, as your manager, Annalise, approaches you, holding your cellphone.

She gives you the same worried expression she gave you when she told you your mother had died.

You crease your eyebrows as you wonder, "What's wrong, Annalise?" You inquired of her.

She gives you the phone. "Someone named Mike is on the phone, and he says it's an emergency."

You nod and take the phone from her grasp, holding it up to your ear, "hello, this is y/n." You spoke into the phone.

"It's Mike," said the voice on the other end as your manager walked away to give you some privacy.

Your brows knit in confusion, you don't recall ever meeting anyone named Mike.

"I'm sorry?" You muttered into the phone.

"Mike Hanlon, from Derry," he responds in greater detail.

What he said suddenly, made you begin to remember events from your childhood that you had forgotten about. Your childhood has always been foggy, and you can barely remember anything about it, but when Mike said his full name and the place where you grew up, your memories begin to flood back, but not all of them, you feel as if you are still missing some.

"Mike, I'm sorry I remember now. I don't know why I didn't- how long has it been?" you stuttered a little, feeling anxious all of a sudden remembering all the memories with him.

"a long time, twenty seven years." His voice is solemn, as if someone had died.

you chuckle slightly at how cold he sounded. "that is a long time did you call to reconnect?" You questioned.

He doesn't respond with a laugh or anything else, he just remains serious, "IT's back," he mumbles coldly into the phone.

Suddenly, you get this strange awful feeling, and chills run up your spine as you become a little unsteady, and your scar on your hand, which you have no idea how you got it, begins to burn and sting out of nowhere.

You remain silent as he continues, "me and the other losers are meeting at this Chinese restaurant in Derry tomorrow night you need to come I'll send you the address," he instructs.

You nod your head, forgetting that he can't see you, and say, "uh yeah, I'll be there," before hanging up.

You walk out of the room, your manager gives you a worried look, and you just smile.

"I have to go to Derry," you explain, making her confused.

"Why do you need to go to Derry?" she asks probably thinking you've gone insane.

You pause and think for a moment, you don't actually know why you need to go, there's just this feeling like you have too and every time you think more about derry, more memories come flowing back to you.

You sigh. "I'm not sure, I just need to," you say to her.

"Okay, whatever you need to do, I'll go tell everyone, but I don't think they'll be too happy," she nods, her face worried.

"Just tell them it's a family emergency, and they'll understand," you sigh.

She nods again and walks away, and you look down at your dress, regretting that you spent so much money on it only to wear it one night for a few hours at most, but that's how the industry works, so you shrug it off.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑 // Stanley Uris x reader  Where stories live. Discover now