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What the fuck is this?Can,t you do a simple task easily you know that how important this project is but still you,Jungkook yelled at his secretary Jennie.

Jungkook is not in a good mood from morning he is just yelling at everyone for simple mistakes.

I am sorry sir I will be careful but it's Jin, s fault he is the one who..,
OUT, jungkook said not letting Jennie to complete her sentence.

Jennie stepped out cursing Jin.It,s her fault but she thought she will take Jin, s name and Jungkook will believe on her but nothing happened.

Jennie walked to Jin who is busy in doing the documents work regarding Mr Kang, s project. "Hey you,check this file for me".Jin ignored Jennie as he is in no mood to pick up any fight.I said something she said as she thumped her hand on Jin,s table.
"And I ignored you,so please Go away and do your work by yourself."Jin is still learning to take a stand for himself so he struggles alot before talking but nowadays he is managing it well.

He knows that he has Jungkook who will stand for him no matter what. Jennie stared at Jin for a while and left but her ears and face visibly red because of the anger.

Jin stood up from his seat to give the documents to Jungkook,he knocked on the door before entering and entered when Jungkook said "Come in' from inside of the cabin.Jin gulped a little when he noticed Jungkook,s face that is clearly showing that he is not in a good mood.

Sir the documents,Jin said as he placed the documents on Jungkook, s table.Jungkook nodded but still not looking at Jin,Jungkook is ignoring him as he doesn,t want to yell at him he knows that Jin is sensitive and the last thing he wants to do is make Jin cry,he loves him he loves him alot,he trust him,but he can't do anything until Jin tells him the truth.

Jin felt hurt seeing Jungkook like this, this is the first time Jungkook is ignoring him like this he knows that what he did was wrong but if he didn, t do that Namjoon will....

You can Go now, Jungkook said but still not looking at Jin. Jin nodded immediately and left leaving Jungkook alone in his cabin.


When Jungkook is done with his work,he looked at his watch and saw that it,s almost 11 P.M,he leaned backward of the chair and relaxed himself a little bit.After five minutes he left his cabin and when he was crossing the waiting area he saw Jin sleeping there,Jungkook smiled and walked towards him,Jin do this many times he fall asleep while waiting for Jungkook many times sometimes in his cabin and sometimes on his own table.Jungkook told him that he can go home by telling the driver but Jin never did that.

Jungkook opened his coat and covered Jin completely,he doesn, t want his baby to catch a cold. Jungkook examined Jin,s face carefully his  beautiful eyes,nose and red ears and finally his eyes fell on Jin,s lips, he suddenly felt the urge to kiss his Jin when he saw his lips.Only he knows that how he control his needs in front of Jin when all he wants to do the dirty things with him, but he doesn't want tosay scare his baby boy.

Jungkook took a deep breath and leaned closer and captured Jin,s lips,Jin flinched when he felt something on his lips and tried to push Jungkook away but Jungkook held Jin,s neck and deepened the kiss,he knows that Jin is only pushing away because he thinks it's someone else.
Jin opened his eyes and calmed down when he saw that it's Jungkook,Jin also followed the Jungkook,s lip movements and both of their lips started moving in sync.

A moan escaped Jin,s mouth when Jungkook pulled Jin towards himself to sit on his lap,he held Jin,s waist with one hand and other hand on Jin,s neck to held him close to him,Jin also didn't protested as he also wants to feel Jungkook,s warmth that he is missing.

Jungkook broke the kiss when Jin tapped on his shoulder to get his breath back, but he didn,t stopped and started sucking Jin,s neck. Jin held Jungkook, s shirt tightly when he bited his neck a bit too hard."Ahh..kookie"Jin said as he made his head fall on Jungkook, s shoulder because of the pain.

Jungkook kissed Jin,s nape and finally stopped while catching his breath,he held Jin close to himself and hugged him while Jin still sitting on his lap."I love you"  Jungkook said and Jin closed his eyes because he is hurting his kookie so much but he has no option.

Jin broke the hug suddenly and stood up, "Let, s go home, we are getting late."
Jungkook felt irritated because of Jin,s behaviour.He stood up and is about to walk away with Jin but Jin, s phone started ringing, Jungkook clenched his jaw in anger when he saw Namjoon, s name on the screen. Jin picked the call and is about to answer but before he can do that Jungkook snatched the phone away from Jin, s hand and throwed it harshly on the floor making the phone to broke into pieces.

Jin looked at Jungkook and then at his phone. Why you?, Jin said while looking at Jungkook with his questionable eyes but Jungkook chuckled listening to Jin, s words, "You are asking me Kim SEOKJIN?Let me ask you first why the fuck THAT GUY IS CALLING YOU AT THIS HOUR?"

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