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"You're not going anywhere with him, the only person who is leaving is him, I already called his parents but I don, t know why they are not here yet. ", Mrs Jeon said while looking at the main door.

"Called his parents?", Jungkook asked in disbelief. "Yes they are going to take him away from us", Mrs Jeon replied looking at Jin who is looking at her in shock.

Jungkook was about to yell but stopped seeing Jin, he took a deep breath and held Jin, s hand. "Jin, go to our room.", Jungkook said while caressing Jin, s hand.

"But ",Jin tried to speak but Jungkook stopped him. "Please", Jungkook said looking into Jin, s eyes who nodded and left.

"Mom Jungkook loves him and still You're trying to make Jin leave him.", Taehyung asked his mom when Jin left.


"A.. And Namjoon he has no one in this world except us, he was my first kid, he was the first one who called me mother, the first one who give me the privilage to be a mother, so tell me how can I believe someone else other than my son.

"But MOM Jin... ", Taehyung tried to speak but Mrs Jeon interuptted him.

Jin Jin Jin, I don, t hate him, I loved him more than my own kids to make him feel comfortable but now I am not thinking as a normal person, I am a mother first and everything after that And my son. I don, t know who is right who is wrong, I can, t decide.. .", Mrs Jeon said and finally broke down while crying in front of Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook who is listening to his mother walked towards her and held her to make her sit on the nearest sofa.

"Mom you need to calm yourself down first and then think about the situation by yourself , don, t do or say something that you are going to regret later.Take your time, I am sure you will be able to see the truth and trust the right person."

"Why you're trusting him not your own brother?", Mrs Jeon calmly asked while looking at Jungkook.

"Mom ask yourself, do you really think someone like Jin can do this, he can, t even look at someone properly, do you really think he seduced someone? "

"Mom, he waited for me for years just because his parents said him to do, he never saw me, but still he never saw any other guy except me, do you really think someone so innocent like him can do something like this."

"How can you say he never liked someone else except you?, maybe he is just putting an act of being innocent.", Mrs Jeon asked looking away from Jungkook.

" I don, t need any proof or words prove his innocence Mom, the way he look at me is enough for me to tell that he loved only one Man in his life and that,s me , I can question myself but I can never question him, I trust him more than myself mom. Can you say the same about Namjoon hyung?", Jungkook questions his mother who looks lost in her thoughts.

"I am going to my room.", Mrs Jeon said and walked away leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.

Jungkook to got up and looked at Taehyung who is looking stressed because of the situation, "Tae wait for me here I am coming in five minutes." Jungkook said while walking towards his room to which Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook entered inside his room and his heart broke down in pieces when he saw his Jin crying, sitting on the floor while hugging himself.

He took a deep breath while controlling himself.


Jungkook said making Jin to look at him and Jungkook ,s heart broke one more time seeing Jin, s eyes swollen because of crying and his entire face completely red.

"Kookie" ,Jin said and immediately got up and walked towards Jungkook and hugged him tightly.

Jungkook gulped and closed his eyes and tightly held Jin in his arms on the other side, Jin started crying even more in Jungkook, s arms.

"I am sorry baby, I failed to protect you from that monster, everything was in front of my eyes but I never thought that my own brother can go this down. ", Jungkook said while looking down and caressing Jin, s hairs.

" kookie it, s my fault I never talked about this to you, you always told me to be strong but I always disappointed you with my cowardness but trust me... I.. tried to fight with him but in front of your mom.. he make me look like wrong person. "

"But.. ", Jin said while breaking the hug and wiping his tears with his long sleeves which is already wet.

"I never tried to t... t ouch him, he was the one who.. but I have no evidence to.. ... "

"shhh... Calm down", Jungkook said as he held Jin,s face with his both hands

"Do you really think I need evidence to trust you? ", Jungkook asked Jin while wiping the tears from his cheeks and hugged him again but this time more tightly.

"N. Noo but mom.. "

"Doesn, t matter, I will make everything fine so don, t think about that. "

"And one more thing, your parents are coming for you so pack your stuff.", Jungkook said but his voice lower than usual.

"W.. Why? You' re leaving me? ", Jin asked Jungkook as he broke the hug and looked at Jungkook with his eyes full of questions and tears.

"Are you also tired of me like everyone else?, You don, t like me anymore?, Am I a bad person?

"Jin Jin Jin... , STOP You 're not bad person and I am not tired of you but right now the situation is not right.

"But you said you will fight with everyone for me then why are you asking me to leave? "

"I can fight with everyone but how can I fight with you? , I can leave this house for you but Jin your parents are coming and I know you can, t go against your parents decission and I don, t want to lose you so I want to give mom and your parents time and if they all will not got ready for our relationship then I am taking you away from everyone, I don, t need permisson to be with you but I know for you these things matter.", Jungkook knows that how much Jin loves his family and Jin will never choose him against everyone.

"I don, t want to go away Please stop these all things.", Jin said while looking into Jungkook, s eyes.

"Then go against your Parents for me, Can you do that for us ? " , Jungkook asked Jin, he already know the answer but he felt a little hurt because of Jin, s silence.

"Pack your stuff , I am waiting for you downstairs. ", Jungkook said and turned to walk away as he doesn, t want to feel more of what he is feeling right now.

"I can... ", A little voice filled with so much courage yet so much fear stopped Jungkook and made him look into Jin, s direction.

"What? ", Jungkook asked again not believing what he just heard.

"I can go against everyone for us", Jin again said but this time looking straight into Jungkook, s eyes and without any stuttering

"There is no coming back I am. Not letting you go even if you want to after that, so I am asking you for last time ...", Jungkook said while walking towards Jungkook but before that Jungkook complete his words Jin started speaking making Jungkook stop.

"I trust you kookie I can never be wrong about trusting you, I trusted you when everybody called me stupid for waiting for a guy I barely knows but I waited for you , I can be sure at that time then how can I be not sure right now.I love... "

But this time Jungkook interuptted Jin,s words by kissing him because sometimes there there is no need of words to know how someone loves you, you can tell it just from the way they looks at you or the way they held your hand in front of everyone or alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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