chapter xiii

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taking a closer look at the crime file, i see that my supposed relative has been charged for murder. no, mass murder. what?? another book open catches my eye. i recognise it as one of the books from the library, but notice that the page it is open on is slightly burnt. i don't recognise the page. were the pages glued together? that would explain the burn marks - him ironing it to peel the pages apart? i take a proper look and feel as if i am about to faint. the page correlates to all the other pieces of paper on the desk, however this book is a fact book on the supernatural. and the page is about telekinesis. but not any telekinesis - this type is apparently a lot more powerful and hard to control, leading to dangerous things. did this ancestor have this type of telekinesis? is that why she murdered all those people? i think to myself. even if that was the case, why is xavier taking it out on me? does he think i am dangerous?

i check my phone - class will be nearly over so i need to get back. i quickly take photos of everything on xaviers desk and leave through the window. as soon as i sneak back into my room i sigh with relief - i've figured out what is going on and i did it all without anyone knowing. or so i thought.
"hello" rowan says, breaking my train of thought and scaring the absolute living shit out of me. i let out a quick scream and then stare at him horrified. he is sat on my bed in a what seems unnatural way - he is sat like a literal robot. it is rowan though - what did i expect? anyways. why the hell is he in my room.
"where the hell have you been?" he asks, breaking the silence again. i am still in shock, and don't know how to answer.
"um-" i start, before he interrupts. "dont you dare say class because i know for a fact you were not there. and why have you been ignoring me for so long? was kissing me really that bad?"
"what? no it was amazing-" i start, before realising how embarrassing i am about to sound. "xavier told me to stay away from you. i don't know why but he physically won't let me talk to you" just as rowan opens his mouth to speak, the door flings open and xavier comes in aiming a bow and arrow at me. "i warned you y/n. stay. away. from rowan!" he says. rowan leaps up without a second thought, standing in the way of the arrow. "move out of the way rowan. shes a monster." xavier says with pure disgust. "monster?" rowan and i say in unison. rowan turns to look at me, and xavier takes the chance to shoot. rowan is quick though, and takes the shot. i scream, and kneel on the floor next to him, putting pressure on his wound. xavier seems to have snapped out of his trance as well, and comes rushing over, panicking.

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