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It's been 2 weeks since Ghost and I had that conversation, he's currently gone with everyone including Soap on a mission in Spain. Oh and of course I'm stuck back at home by myself because I fucked shit over last time and my wound hasn't exactly fully healed yet because it got infected, how lovely right? For all shits and giggles I don't care about Ghost anymore, he's just a cold asshole who will just rot in a hole for the rest of his life. He's not worth the time anymore, all seriousness though I can't get him out of my fucking head. I've tried and tried to just forget but it's so fucking hard for absolutely no reason at all.

"Y/N, miss?"

I looked over my shoulder, it was just the servant.


"It's 12 in the afternoon.. shouldn't you be awake?"

12 in the fucking afternoon.. God I was daydreaming for that long?!

"Shit, sorry yeah just had a rough sleep last night."

"Oh okay, well I'll leave you be then. Let me know if you need anything, I'll need to come check your wound in a little bit!"

"Thank you." She nodded and left the room.

Oh and if you're wondering I'm at my real home, not the base. I wanted to stay at the base but you know Soap wanted me to be as safe as possible. I don't really blame him though, he's always looking out for me and I do appreciate it a lot.

I stretched and rolled out of bed, I pulled the curtains apart revealing the gorgeous city of Paris.

"ah, absolutely lovely." I yawned.
Francie came up and rubbed against my ankles purring. Fyi Francie is my ferocious feline, my cat.

"Francie my favorite baby." I picked her up and kissed her nose and set her back down.

"I wonder when everyone will be back from Spain."
Of course Ghost was the first to cross my mind. God damnit I swear it's those eyes of his.


Time has been ticking so fucking slowly.. it feels like it's been ages. Captain Price said they'd be staying here in Paris for a little while to catch a break before returning to base. I'm quite thankful though because it feels good and refreshing to be back at home for awhile again, I was starting to miss it. Suddenly the door swung open and voices filled the hallways, I jumped out of my chair and ran to the entrance to see everyone.

"You guys are finally back!!" I was so happy.

"Yes we are, and all in one piece thanks to Ghost, again." Soap chuckled.

I had the biggest smile on my face, but when I looked at Ghost it all just disappeared.

"I don't have space for everyone in my own house so you guys better have figured something out." I ignored Ghost's presence.

"Don't sorry Y/N, Price has already established all of that so we have our own places to stay."

"Sounds great, good planning captain Price." I saluted him teasingly. God I haven't felt this good in a while.

Everyone made themselves at home in the living room for awhile before leaving.

"I don't have anything here to eat much for you guys atleast so you'll have to go out."

"No problem." Soap smiled

"Ah let's please go to a roadhouse, I would die for a steak right now." Konig licked his lips as they chuckled.

"I'm down." They all agreed, I looked at Ghost, he was dead silent just staring at the blank TV.

"Ghost, are you going with them?" He slowly looked at me, the room went silent.

"No." Damn, okay.

"Well then Ghost, we'll see you guys tomorrow." Soap patted Ghosts back as he stood up.

"Ghost remember your room number is #214."


They all left, well except for Ghost of course. Left me all alone with this man who turned me down staring at a TV that isn't even fucking on.

"Ghost I can fix you something small to eat."

"No." He stood up and left my house.

What the fuck is his deal?

Who are you Ghost | Simon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now