and... we're back at square one.

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I woke up to the sound of chattering, I didn't feel Ghost pressed up against me anymore. I stretched out listening to what sounded like Soaps voice.

"Ghost I swear to god what the hell."

I yawned and looked over as Soap and Ghost were in the kitchen.

"What do you even mean you were sleeping with my little sister!"


The chattering stopped and they both looked over at me,

"Why are you lecturing ghost?"

"Because Y/N isn't that not obvious."

I mocked him,

"It was my idea, I couldn't sleep last night."

Soap sighed and walked over to me,

"Well it's whatever, we're leaving to go back to base, everyone's outside waiting since Ghost decided to stay here and sleep with you causing us delay." He glared at Ghost.

"Oh shit, you're leaving this early? You didn't even tell me I gotta go change!" I leaped up but soap stopped me

"Y/N you can't"- he looked down at my wrist seeing the bruising.

"What the fuck. WHO the fuck did this?" He snapped.

I winced as Ghost stepped forward,

"It was me."

Soap froze and turned over to Ghost launching his fist right into ghosts face, Ghost stumbled back as I gasped.

"SOAP WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed as I walked to Ghost, but he pushed my back.

"It's okay, I deserved it."

His nose starting to bleed,

"Soap what the fuck is your problem!"

I turned back at Soap

"The fuck you mean?! Look at your goddamn wrist!"

"It was my fault dude I accidentally scared him!"

We both took a minute to just take deep breathes, I sat Ghost down on the couch as I held tissue under his nose while the blood soaked in.

"I'm sorry for my actions Ghost but don't you dare lay a finger on my sister again you hear me?"

"Soap!" I snapped.

"I apologize, it won't happen again."

I looked back at Ghost in confusion,

"You don't have to listen he's just being a bitch."

"Y/N seriously."

"Hold this on your nose and don't move okay?" I commanded Ghost.

"I need to go change, we should head out now."

"You're not coming." Soap scolded.

"The fuck? Yes I am."

"No the fuck you're not Y/N."

"I fucking am." I stormed into my room.

**The Next Day**

We're finally back at camp, we've settled down and everyone is chill now, hopefully. We're now starting to plan and map out some of Hassan's new camps for us to take out to minimize his area.

I shuffled around the table and stuck a pin on the board, they all looked at me confused.

"I want to take O.1"

"It's too d"-

"Dangerous? Even better, I will take it and that's final." I checked the spot on the board with a red marker and walked out Ghost followed behind as I walked down the hall.

"If you're just going to tell me not to do this then save it for later cause I've already made up my mind."

"If you're doing this then I'm coming with you."

I walked into my room and stopped at the door turning around facing Ghost as he hovered over me, I scanned his body looking him down all the way up and fucking hell his bulge was huge, why the fuck am I even thinking about that god Y/N.

"I can do it on my own."

"Y/N you don't even know how many men are scattered around that camp, god not even I fucking know."

"I guess I'll just have to find out eh?"

I began to shut the door in his face until his first came crashing down on it flinging it open, he backed me up into my room as he shut the door behind him.


"You can't fucking go alone, either I come with you or you're not going at all, I'm not asking Y/N, listen to me or else."

"Or else what? Are you just gonna grab my wrist until my whole goddamn hand turns purple? You just gonna hurt me? Fucking put a bullet through my skull like you did to your own mother?"

I froze. His face just stayed emotionless, he went completely pale. Why the fuck would I say that?

"You don't know shit about my mother so keep your huge mouth shut."

His voice sounded like pain surrounded by his own protection, I didn't mean to say that I was just upset.

"Ghost- I'm sorry I didn't mean too."

"You know what. Go on that mission alone, see who fucking saves your clumsy stuck up ass next time."

He left my room slamming the door before I had any other say, my heart was thumping so fast as I let out a sigh. God Y/N what is wrong with you?

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