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I waited in the bakery for Lizzie to go on her break, I looked at the photo Ghost sent me of him at the bar with everyone. I smiled and Lizzie sat down on the other side of me.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Hey! It's so good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too! How's life been?"

"It's been alright."

"How are you and Ghost? Is anything there or what's happening..?"

"Actually we're dating now."


"Yeah, he's not all that bad. I mean of course he has his flaws and so do I but he's super caring."

"I'm so happy for you, just be careful you know."

"I know."

"Have you visited your family yet?"

"Yes, about that.."

"oh gosh, what is it?"

"My mom actually has cancer."

"Oh my god.. I am so sorry Y/N." She frowned.

"It's just that Soap new the whole time and didn't tell me."

"That's very unlike him to do that."

"I know right, but it's whatever, I found out anyhow."

"Awe, remind me to stop by sometime."

"Of course! She would love that. I uh I actually stopped taking my birth control recently."


"I'm not too sure .. I think I was stressed at first then got out of habit of taking them again."

"You guys haven't had unprotected sex have you?"

Heh... I don't think we ever have now that I think about it.

"Of course not.

"Hah, I know you too well Y/N. Well I should get back to work, tell your mom I said hi for me would ya?"

"Will do."

Lizzie smiled and left back to her shift. I drank some water and left back to home. I saw my dads car parked in the driveway as I pulled up, I entered the house and tossed my purse on the counter.

"Mom? Dad?"

"Out here sweetheart."

I went out on the balcony to see them sitting down.

"Hey, mom how are you feeling?"

"A lot better."

"That's good, hi dad."

"Hey Y/N, where were you?"

"Hanging out with Lizzie for a bit, she said hi mom."

"How is she holding up with that bakery?"

"Pretty good actually, we should go sometime."


"Sweetheart do you mind grabbing my coffee off the counter inside?"

"Not at all." I entered the kitchen and grabbed the coffee, suddenly my phone started dinging.
I dug my phone out of my purse and looked at the notifications, it was Ghost.

'Missing you lots.'

I smiled.

'I miss you more.' I responded.

'Come home soon? :('

'I will be coming home soon, promise.'

"Y/N did you find it?"

"Oh yeah, coming sorry."

I set my phone down and went back handing my dad his mug.

I sat down next to them and looked up at the sky.

"I'm gonna head back home in a few days so if there is anything you guys need me to do just let me know, okay?"

"We will hun."

a few days passed and I had already been on my way home after spending more time with mother. As I was driving suddenly my tire blew out, I pulled over and got out.

"Seriously?! what the hell." I looked down at my back tire and saw a dart stuck in the side of it. I examined the dart and saw a weird company name written in some code. I stepped back and suddenly something wrapped around my head and I got jerked back, as I let out a scream a hand wrapped around my mouth. I squirmed as it got harder to breathe, I felt something wrap around my ankles as I slowly passed out.

Who are you Ghost | Simon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now