Mission Complete

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We were all in the back of the army trucks as we were on the way to our destination. Captain Price was in the other truck along with Soap and the others as Ghost, Shepherd and könig were with me. We sat and listened to Price on the walkie talkies running through codes and signals. A little while later we were getting closer, we started getting ready. I held onto the bar above my head so I didn't fall, I checked my vest to make sure it was on correctly, I patted myself down checking to see if everything was in the right place.

"You good?" Ghost asked

"Yeah, you?"


"Alright everyone! Arriving in 3 minutes!" The driver shouted.

The truck shook as we hit a very rocky and bumpy surface. We all held on tightly until the truck came to a hard stop. We pulled out our guns and waited for signal.

"Are we ready soldiers? I repeat are we ready!?" Captain Price spoke through the speaker.

"Ready!" We all answered.

The truck door unlatched and Shepherd pushed it open as we jumped out, we gathered around as they closed the doors and the trucks drove off.

"Stay close, we're heading down to the north east side through that slip there." Captain price pointed.

We huddled together and started walking down to the entry way of the parking lots, the place was huge but very ran down. I kept my gun low but ready in case of open fire, I looked around every which way as we went. We entered down through the entry way, Price in front of us all, he signaled his hand up as we all came to a halt and slid up against the wall.

Price peaked around the corner with his scope, his hand went back up and waved us forward as we all scattered around the room. Each of us hid behind the tall pillars, I took my own as Ghost was in front of me to the left.

Price signaled us to wait as I heard whispering coming from down the parking lot, the whispers echoed. Price signaled könig to keep an eye on our right and soap on the left, Alejandro was behind me guarding the entrance.

Price nodded at Ghost and his fingers counted down..


I watched as Ghost and Price jumped out from the behind the pillars and wrapped there arms around the 2 guys's necks stealthily, they had snapped there necks and dropped them to the ground. Price signaled us again as we followed behind slowly going up the large spiraled ramp to the next floor. We were crouched down against the ramp wall as we went up, price stopped.

"We've got about 5 men on the left and 7 on the right. Get behind a pillar as fast as you can, opening fire." Price whispered as we all nodded.

We continued up as I waited until I heard the first gun being fired, I quickly ran and separated from the others. I went behind a pillar and started opening fire. The bullets echoed loudly through the building, there was shouting and more men came down from the next level.

"Y/N take behind us!" Alejandro shouted.

I quickly turned around and started shooting at the couple men that were coming up. I crouched down to become less of a target, there were so many of them rushing in and I was getting low on my clip.


I got down and started reloading as Alejandro covered for me, bullets flew past my head from in front and behind of me.

"Y/N! ALEJANDRO!! WERE GONNA PUSH!" Price shouted.

"GO!" Alejandro shouted back.

I finished and continued firing as bodies fell to the floor and more men rushed in.


Price and the rest pushed forward continuing to the next level as Alejandro and I got behind different pillars and defended the back.




A few minutes later all the men were downed and we waited to see if anymore would enter but none had. Guns were firing and voices were shouting from above us.


I nodded and we raced back to the rest. We continued pushing until we reached the last level, after clearing everything out we went into the main building and searched every little crevasse. There were only a few other guards actually inside the building but no signs of Hassan. Even if he were here or not we still have a track on him so that's the good thing. König only had a slight wound to his lower thigh but he was already being taken care of all the way back to base. We all came out in one piece thankfully this time. Once we arrived back at base we were all exhausted and it was about 5 in the morning, which calls for sleeping in.

I got out of the shower, put my hair up and put on a robe. I exited my bathroom as Ghost entered my room, he was already cleaned and smelt good.

"Good timing, I'm just now ready for bed." I yawned.

"It's morning."

"You're funny." I flopped onto the bed and cuddle in my blankets.

Ghost turned off the light as my small night light flicked on leaving some dim light. He got into the bed with me as we spooned.

"Goodnight." He kissed my neck.


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