enjoying Paris .. sorta.

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We plan on heading back to base next week, I'm trying to enjoy home as much as possible before leaving and having to deal with Hassan's bullshit again. I haven't spoken to ghost ever since he came back last night, it's a bit disappointing but I need to focus on myself and home before leaving again. I was going to visit my parents but what a coincidence they went on a trip to England for Christmas Vacation, even though Christmas is in 20 days.

I pulled over my jacket and slipped on leg warmers over my boots.

"Y/N where are you off too at the time?"

I turned around to my servant.

"I want to head to the Lizzie's bakery to say hi!"

"Ohh alright! Stay safe, Soap did stop by super early today and told me to inform you that him and some of the guys went golfing so probably won't be back for another 3 hours or so."

"Okay, thank you for letting me know."

"Of course." She lowered herself nodding and started dusting off furniture.

I watched her dust off the tv, I remembered Ghost staring at the blank tv. I wonder why he loves television so much even when it's not on.
I grabbed the keys off the wall and exited the complex, I started my car and left into the large city.
After driving around for a bit I parked outside of the bakery and turned off the car. I noticed someone peeking around the corner down the block but they disappeared before I could see who. I shrugged it off and got out of my car, I went inside the bakery to see Lizz at the front.

"Oh my god, Y/N!!" She walked over to me in a hurry as we hugged.

"Hey !"

"It's been so long since I last saw you."

She held my shoulders and took a good look at me.

"You look so amazing."

"Thanks, you too! How's the bakery going?"

She let go of my shoulders and walked over to the small coffee table sitting down and pointing at the other chair, I walked over and sat down.

"It's actually going quite amazing, we had a few troubles last month with some billing issues due to Ron still having his name under the payments but it's all fixed now, thank god." She chuckled.

"I'm glad you got it figured out, he didn't give you too much trouble did he?"

"Surprisingly no, I think he just gave up you know."

"Yeah, well it's looking amazing, I noticed the new decorations and new paint!"

"Oh yes, do you like it??"

"I love it! It makes me feel like a kid again."

We both chuckled.

"I'm so glad, I've worked my ass off getting this place back up, I was so scared that I was going to give up but I'm so glad I didn't."

"oh yeah, I'm so glad you've stayed so strong and are pursuing your dreams."

"Thank you so much Y/N, it means the absolute world to me."

"Oh but hey, how is everything going with, well you know." She slowly began to whisper, I giggled.

"It's been going pretty well, I actually got injured a few months ago."

"Oh no, what happened!?" She gasped

I rolled up my sleeve and showed the scars from the bullets, her jaw dropped as she traced her finger along the marks.

"Does it hurt?"

"'No it's all healed now."

"My goodness Y/N, what the hell happened??"

"Well for the past 7 months we've still been on the whole Hassan shit. We were sent out to destroy his prop bases in search of him, i was actually paired with ghost & things got a bit chaotic, i was being a little brat and decided to do something stupid resulting in me getting shot and nearly captured. If it weren't for Ghost then god I would probably be dead."

Lizzie's jaw dropped as she gripped my hands holding them together with hers.

"I'm so glad you're here Y/N, this is super off topic but when you said Ghost do you mean-"

"Simon. Simon Riley, yes."

"Oh shit."

She leaned back into her chair eyeing me,

"And are you sure he saved you?!"

"Yeah, it was him. I don't remember a whole lot but I do remember some and it was him who risked his own life for mine."

Lizzy looked around double checking to make sure the place was empty.

"That doesn't sound like him though.. we both know what he did to his mother."

I frowned .

"I'm sorry Y/N was that too harsh?"

"No. It's just that, I don't know. It's really hard to actually believe he did such thing, he truly did save me & he might be a complete asshole and seem cold there's just something about him that's so much more.. like pure."

"Oh Y/N please don't tell me you're warming up to him, you're never like this."

"I don't know, there's just something about him that's just.. I don't even know."

"Don't tell me you like him?!"

Holy shit that caught me so off guard, I bursted our laughing but my face was so hot at the same time. Lizzy just stared at me blinking awkwardly.


I continued to laugh uncontrollably as Lizzy awkwardly just gulped still staring at me intensely.


Lizzy just looked over to the right and back at me with a dead look on her face.



His deep voice rung through my head, my laughter cut off as I felt my soul exiting my body, I blinked and slowly turned my head seeing Ghost standing at the doorway.

"aha.." shit.

"Oh would you look at that! I have to get some baking done, stop by again Y/N!" Lizzy jumped out of the chair and awkwardly speeded into the back room behind the counter leaving me in this awkward ass situation.

I just stood up and cleared my throat.

"Oh, please do continue."

I glared into ghosts eyes, I can't believe this. I shoved past him and exited the bakery as I walked to my car.


I froze, and turned around slowly.

"uh.. yes?" I cleared my throat once more.

"watch what you say."

His voice was so demeaning, I watched him turn around and start walking away.

"Why the fuck are you following me? You were that guy spying on me weren't you!" I shouted, maybe a little too loud because I started getting stares. Ghost stopped and I could see his shoulders in sync with his sigh.

"I was ordered to keep tabs on you since you seem to make stupid fucking decisions."

I felt my head heating up

"Well for your stupid fucking concern I don't need you to look out for me, after all you're just a cold piece of shit who doesn't care about anyone or anything so leave me the fuck alone."

I was fucking pissed, I didn't mean what I said to hurt his feelings at all.

I saw him slowly turn around, I quickly got into my car and turned it on, I saw him coming towards my car in the mirror. Tears started filling my eyes, as he got to my window I looked at him with puffy red eyes, he reached for my door as I sped off.

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