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Everyone was entering the helicopters as we were headed to our own camps to raid, Soap didn't want to put up a fight with me so he's letting me go under one condition, Ghost comes with. But the issue is, I haven't seen ghost since last night, nobody has heard a word from him nor seen him either so we were just hoping he would show up. I don't blame him if he doesn't, I said something I shouldn't have to him last night and I honestly feel like a complete asshole, he's right I am stuck up and cannot keep my mouth shut.

"Y/N give me your hand!" Captain Price held out his hand as he helped me up into the helicopter, it was super loud and the noise rung through my head.
I sat down and buckled in my seat along with the others, I looked up and stared at the empty seat in front of me.

"Goddamnit, has anyone seen Ghost at all?!" Captain price shouted.

"Not after he left last night no." König responded.

Soap came up to me and leaned over to my ear

"Where the fuck did he go Y/N?" He whispered.

How the fuck would I know that ??

"I don't have a tracker on him Soap." I looked away.

"What the fuck happened between you two now?"

"God nothing why the fuck are you so nosey??" I snapped.

"Because Y/N Ghost is one of our best soldiers!" He shouted and everyone turned to look at us, god does he have to create a scene right now?

He stood up straight adjusting his gun and coughing awkwardly, he backed up.


Soap threw a hand signal at Price as Price signaled the pilot, we started to lift off.

I rested my head on my hands leaning on my knees, I hope Ghost is okay, I shouldn't have gone that far, I feel miserable, I truly did want Ghost to come on this mission with me but I have to always cause a fight.
God I'm so stupid.

Half an hour later Soap wavered to me as it was my stop, I stood up and walked over to the door clipping on the zip line.

"Are you sure you got this?" He mumbled.


"Just remember to call code if you need assistance or emergency help."

I know all this. I looked at him and jumped out the helicopter as the zip line sped down then got slow as I reached the dirt beneath me. I unhooked the zip line and sent it back up, I looked up at Soaps small ant sized body as the helicopter took off.
I looked around me, I was in the middle of a wooded area, the woods were so thick they were hard to see through. I took out my small compass and turned over towards West, that's the direction the camp is, I stuck my compass into my pocket and pulled my gun out walked carefully through the woods.

I walked for what seemed like hours until I could see the camp from a distance, I ducked behind some thick trees and peaked through my scope. It was awfully fucking quiet, there must not be that many men here.
As I hovered over the camp with my scope I noticed a large blood pool in front of one of the tents, I looked more around and saw dead bodies lying around. What the hell? This is a new camp it can't be raided already.
I lowered my scope and quietly walked to the camp carefully, I ducked around some of the tents and peaked getting a closer view of the dead bodies, it was fresh. Suddenly a large gun shot fired, I quickly turned around the tent as my heart started racing. I heard some voices and a small scream. I quietly ran around getting closer to the voices, they were over here, I hid behind a small shack to hear them clearer, there was a male sobbing.

"Please spare me! I don't know where he is I swear!!"

I heard the noise of the guy falling over,

"I'm going to ask you one more time, where is Hassan."

Ghost?!! What the hell is he doing here?

I walked around the shack and towards the tent they were in, I stopped when I saw Ghosts fist raised up in the air intimidating the tied up terrorist.


Ghost turned around as we stuck into eye contact.
The terrorist shuffled around trying to run, ghost turned around quickly and threw him back on the ground.

"Don't fucking move!" Ghost punched the guy again.

I walked inside to them both.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Ghost stared at me blankly.

"This was my fucking mission and you ruined it."

"You would have gotten yourself fucking killed, there were over 40 soldiers goddamnit!" His voice echoed, he's never raised his voice at me like that..

I turned over to the terrorist and knelt down,

"Tell me where he is, you have 10 seconds."

Ghost watched me in confusion,

"No!" The guy spat.

"You will have to kill me!"

I pulled out my pistol and put at the side of his head






I pulled the trigger halfway as he started crying.


I pushed him over on his side, I looked back at Ghost and pulled the trigger as the fuckers brains exploded.

Ghost just stood there staring at me in like a What the fuck way.

I shoved past ghost and turned on my walkie.

"Jobs done. I have Hassan's location and Ghost is with me."

Ghost turned around towards me and just stood there as I stopped.

"Already?!" Soap asked


I turned off the walkie and looked back at Ghost.

"Look. I'm sorry for what I said last night but you should at least give me a heads up before stealing my mission." I walked away back to the pick up zone.

*2 hours later at base*

Ghost was seated at Captain Prices desk,

"What the hell do you think you were doing?!"

"I got the job done didn't I?"

Price slammed his fist onto the desk as I seized back closing my eyes.

"Ghost that is not the fucking point and you know it. What the hell is gotten into you recently? You're never like this, Ghost you are one of the very rare best men we have and we cannot fucking afford losing you slipping up on these missions."

Ghost sat there in silence with his dead gloomy eyes staring at the tv hanging on the wall.

"Ghost do you fucking understand."

Ghost looked at Price and cracked his knuckles.

"Yes sir."

Ghost stood up and exited the room as I followed close behind, Soap was outside the door waiting, he came up right next to me as Ghost left the base.

"Hey, is everything alright ?"

"Yeah, Ghost is just upset."

"I wouldn't doubt it. Do you want to have coffee and chat?"

"That would be good right now."

Soap and I went into the kitchen to fetch ourselves some coffee.

Who are you Ghost | Simon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now