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It's been a little over a month since Ghost when back to base, they've been on missions and the whole Hassan problem is over with. I'm a bit upset I couldn't be there to help complete it but I'm just glad everyone is okay. The news of me being pregnant spread quickly after I told Soap, Ghost agreed that it couldn't be a secret forever, he'll be coming home sometime today so we can discuss things after he took time to clear his mind.


"Y/N I cleaned out the empty room, it's ready to be painted."

"Okay, thank you so much for your hard work today."

"Of course! I'm so excited to be apart of your babies life as much as I was yours."

I smiled.

"Well, I best get going to my next place before I am late."

"Oh yes! Stay safe, the rain is coming down really hard out there."

"I will, if you need anything call me."

I went back to my bedroom and looked out the glass patio window as the dark sky poured with rain, it hit against the window hard. I rubbed my stomach and leaned my head against the glass. I heard the door open and voices of Soap and Price, I didn't bother to go greet them as I was getting cramps.
A few minutes later Ghost walked in the room and wrapped his arms around my stomach gently, he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You're wet."

"I know."

"I missed you."

He shuffled over and faced me to look at him.

"I've missed you too."

His lips came down on mine, I can tell he's being far more gentle and careful because of the baby.

"When did you want to talk about things?"

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, then we can."

"Okay, who's all here?"

"Just your brother and Price, the others decided to hit the bar tonight."

"They won't be coming here after will they.."

"No, they have their own place, I won't let them here hung over."


"Soap has been none stop talking about being an uncle, it's almost annoying."

I chuckled.

"Go get in the shower, I'll be waiting."

He kissed me again and left the room. I sat down on the bed and pulled out my laptop, I scrolled through amazon looking at baby cribs. There are so many to choose from, I don't really want plain blue's or pink's, I want something more creative and fun. I'm going to give our child a good life, one that Ghost nor I ever really had. All month I had already been thinking about girl and boy names, there's just so much to choose from but every time I think of a name I just think of a person I either knew or just remembered. I want something unique but then I feel like every one also wants something unique, so I'm not really sure. I didn't expect to be a mom, not at this time at least, but I also can't say I've done anything to prevent it because neither of us had. After a little bit Ghost entered the room, he had his towel wrapped around his waste, it reminded me of the first time we met, god he's perfect.

"You have some clothes still in the closet."


"I've been looking up some room decorations and baby stuff but I honestly just don't know."

"Don't know about what?"

I watched him get dressed.

"What I want the room to look like, I've been thinking of something different you know, like what about more nature theme."

"You could just do animals."

"Well yeah but more creative, like a jungle or something."

"Whatever you think is best hun."

He hung the towel over my desk chair and slid into bed next to me.

"Your opinion matters too, what do you think?"

"I suppose it's a bit hard for me to think about that.. I like your idea a lot though."

"We can look more online another time, let's just discuss this first."

I looked down at my stomach, you could definitely start to notice the difference.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

"How you feel, are you even ready to be a father Simon?"

He leaned back and folded his hands.

"I'm at the age where if I were to have kids, if WE were to have kids, this would be the best time."

"So, yes?"

"Yes, I'm more than ready if you are. Although.. the only thing I see being an issue is our missions, everyone."

"I don't want you to be an absent father."

"Oh, my love, I am going to be the father my father never was."

He leaned up and tilted my chin up.

"I'm going to be everything he never could be."

I forced a smile.

"I promise you, I am ready for this."

"I'm just afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Not being able to be a good mom."

He dropped his hand and held mine.

"You are going to be the best mother in the world, don't doubt it."

"I love you."

"I love you far more."

"Don't even go there with me."

He rested his head against my stomach listening, I ran my hand through his hair as the rain continued to bang against the window. This is it, my life is finally piecing together, I never imagined this would ever be real, but it is. I love this boy with all my heart.

Who are you Ghost | Simon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now