Mission not so possible

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It had been a couple weeks since we left Paris back to base, things were once again a bit quiet and Ghost had became his distant self, I don't blame him now that I know what he's gone through.

I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and turned the water off. I grabbed my towel and started drying off, as I got dressed I heard my room door open and close.

"Y/N?" Soap knocked on the door

"Yeah what's up?" I rolled my hair up into my towel.

"Are you almost done?"

"Yeah I'm drying off, what do you need?"

"We have an emergency meeting."

"Alright, I'm coming."

Soap left the room as I quickly got dressed.

I went into the meeting room as everyone was gathered around, Konig leaned against the door with his arms crossed, he eyed me down as I walked past and glared at him. I leaned over the table and looked down at the red dots spread across the map.

"What are these all for? We already got to his large camps."

Captain Price cleared his throat and pointed at one of the red dots.

"Well, if you look closely."

He traced his thumb over the red dots and connected them each.

"He's using the Camps as a distraction, if you look at the pattern they are placed, Shepherd and James checked out on of them early this morning and it was freshly set up with very few men."

I looked up at Price,

"So he's wasting our time.. for what reason."

"That's the thing, what we think is he's on the move to escape, which we cannot let happen."

"If we hadn't been having so much trouble with our missions lately then maybe we would have spotted this sooner." Soap sighed.

"We wipe out the remaining large camps and head to Denis and track the motherfucker down." Ghost spoke as we walked through the room, him and Konig exchanged eye contact as a greeting.

We all turned around and watched him walk up to the table, he grabbed 3 pins and placed them very specifically on the board.

"These 3 are the big camps we hadn't gotten to yet, they are surrounded by the smaller camps as you can see, it's a trap, Price."

Price looked at Ghost as Ghost glared at him.

"And how do you exactly know this, Ghost?"

"I've been spying around myself."

So that's where he's been lately, not even inviting me? What a Scum.

"Without orders?"

"That's correct sir, but if I hadn't we wouldn't have time left to even capture Hassan, by the time we figured it out he would have escaped the entire country. I think we both know that."

Price sighed and shook his head.

"Next time Ghost, run it by me, that's the last warning I am giving you."

Ghost nodded.

"Alright, Soap I want you to join on this one, this way we will get it done quicker."

"Yes sir."

"Y/N and Konig I want you guys to start wiping out the small camps on the North east side."

"But Pr-"

"That is an order Y/N."

I nodded.

"Shepherd and Alejandro take the opposite side here."

Shepherd and Alejandro nodded.

"Ghost, Soap, I want you two with me, we will start at this large camp and go around, this will give everyone else time to finish the outside small camps, we can all meet at this point here and we will finish the last 2 camps and finally head to Denis as fast as possible."

We all looked at the board and agreed.

"What if he escapes before we get to him?" Alejandro crossed his arms.

"Well we will start with these camps in an hour. This is a huge responsibility on all of you and we're all counting on each other, we must get this done. Start getting ready, you have 20 minutes and I want to see everyone loading the trucks."

We all located our spots on the map and headed to the lockers getting our equipment.

I ignored Ghost and minded my own business', I know what he's going through but he still needs to communicate to me, it's so annoying because it gives me such mixed signals. I know I should talk to him but I am just being stubborn.

I put my armor vest on and collected bullets, I shut the locker door and Ghost stood there, I looked away and walked to the guns as he followed behind.


I picked out my gun and turned around,


I grabbed a pistol and put it in my holster.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

I turned around and faced him.

"Me? I just know you aren't talking, you do this disappearing shit too much, I understood the first time but seriously Ghost?"

"I know okay, look I am sorry."

I noticed Shepherd looking at us in a confused way, I grabbed Ghost's hand and pulled him out of the room so we were alone, I sighed.

"You said that like the last few times. I just, I want this to work out and everything but you just not talking to me or disappearing for weeks and not even saying a single thing to me really just makes me overthink."

"I'm sorry Y/N, I truly am, I will do better, okay?"



I forced a small smile, he looked around and quickly gave me a kiss on my forehead while nobody was around.

"5 MINUTES EVERYONE! HURRY IT UP WE'RE LOW ON TIME." Price shouted as he exited the room, he stopped and looked at us.

"Come on you two, Ghost you're not even ready, get the fuck in there." He nudged Ghost's shoulder as Ghost grunted, I giggled.

I watched Ghost walk in the room as Shepherd and Konig came out,

"I didn't pair you two this time because I can't trust you not talking shit and making him upset."

Price walked away along with the others to the trucks, I chuckled under my breath.

Ghost came out and we left together.

Konig and I arrived, we both sat on a hill looking down at the camps.

"Konig, let's split."

Konig looked at me and spit on the ground,

"I'll be in charge since it's just us, got it?"

"Um excuse me what? No."


"Are you being fucking sexist right now?"

Konig's head dropped as he shook his head.

"Y/N I don't got time for this, we got to get this fucking done."

"Then let's get it fucking done."

I rolled my eyes and spat at the ground next to him, I got up and headed left of the camp carefully and stealthily. Konig tried to whistle for me to come back but I ignored it.

"This girl." He hissed.

Konig went right as he signaled me to stop, I stopped and crouched behind a truck, he started throwing random signals.

"-What the fuck Konig, why are you throwing goddamn gang signs-" I mouthed, he shook his head and started throwing more weird fucking hand signals, what the fuck is he even trying to say. He started pointing Infront of me behind the truck I was crouched at, I peaked around the corner and saw a guy walking towards me. Oh shit, I shrugged at Konig and walked to the other side of the truck waiting for the guy to come around. I waited until the guy turned back around, I snuck out behind him and quietly choked him out. Konig went up further and opened fire, of course now alerting the men near me. I opened fire as well taking out the men.

A few hours later Konig and I had started heading towards the middle point camps where we would all meet up, we finished taking out the outside small camps on our side. We met up with Price, Ghost and Soap as we waited for the rest. After about 35 minutes Alejandro and Shepherd showed up.

"What took you two so long?" Price scoffed.

"More unexpected terrorists came along but we handled them."

Alejandro nodded.

"Alright, let's take the 3 camps out 1 by 1 together, we will need everyone here. If we go past these sand hills right there we will get to the smallest camp of the 3, we'll take that one and head west to the other one, they are each only 4 miles apart but by truck we'll get there sooner."

Price waved his hand in the air as they all followed behind and over to the hills, they all crouched down spotting the Camp, they studied the men and their positions.

"Should we all stick together on this one?" Ghost asked.

"No. The men will be capable of surrounding us easily, we will split once again, Soap, Y/N and Konig surround the left side there, split up individually a little bit, Alejandro, Ghost and Shepherd do the same on the right, I am going to hid in the middle as a first distraction. I want you all to start closing in on them, it will cause high panic, got it?"

Everyone nodded, Price watched closely and signaled them all off.

I followed behind Soap and Konig as we retrieved around the left side,

"Y/N I want you to go through the center, that way Konig and I have an easier way to protect you."

"I think I can handle myself, but okay."

"Konig you alright on the left, looks like there's an equal amount of men."

Konig nodded, we all looked at Price in the distance, Price looked at both sides and gave us the go signal.

"Alright, let's getter'done."

We all went in, I aimed my scope and shot one of the terrorists in the head, bullets started flying.

A little later we all finished with the first Camp, we regrouped and headed towards the next and cleared that one out as well. We arrived at the final Camp, the biggest one of them all and was very well protected, there was way more men then we expected.

"Alright, Y/N you're going to have to be our main help for this one."

"Me? What, why?" I looked at Price in confusion.

"There's a red dress in the back of the truck, go put it on."

"You had this in plan already?"

"As a backup."

Soap grabbed my arm before I went to get the dress, I turned around as he looked at Price.

"Price, she can't do that, there is too many of them!"

"Soap, it's the only way right now, it'll cause a good distraction, they are dirty scumbags facing a beautiful young lady."

I grabbed Soaps hand and held it,

"I will be okay, plus I have you guys protecting me, right?"

Soap sighed and nodded his head, I smiled at him as we hugged, I went in the truck and changed.
I came out with my red dress on and looked at them.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ghost asked worried.

"Don't worry to much about me now." I teased as he cleared his throat.

"We got you covered don't worry Y/N." Price patted my shoulder as I went in.


The terrorists aimed there guns at me, I put my hands up.

"I'm lost, could you please help me?"

They all looked at each other.

"Do you have any weapons on you?"

"I hope not." I faked a giggle.

The guy nodded his head at the others as two men came and patted my dress down, one of them getting a little to touchy.


"Bring her in, make sure nobody else is around."

"Yes sir."

one of the guys grabbed my arm and brought me forward to the bigger guy, he looked down at me and lifted my chin up.

"Where are you coming from?"

"I uh.. I was on a horse but she got spooked and kicked me off."

"mm... right.."

"If you could just help me figure out which way I can head ho-"

he grabbed my neck and pulled me close to his face, I couldn't breathe.

"Do you take me for a damn fool young lady?"

"I-" I tried gasping for air.

Sudden bullets went flying off in the air, he let go off me.


I ran off while he wasn't looking.


Fuck fuck fuck, I started running as fast as I could but this dress was so tight and left me hardly and leg space, I ran around a building and ran right into the terrorists, one of them grabbed me and pulled me back, I kicked and screamed.


They carried me inside as the taller commander dude followed behind glaring at me the whole time. The big doors shut and locked behind us. Fuck, no, god no.

"Y/N!" I heard Ghost scream from the distance.

Last thing I remember was everything going black.

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