Cold times pt2

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I rested my head on Simons lap as we waiting for Soap to come back out of the room. After a little bit he finally came out, he had no expression on his face, I know his heart was just as broken as all of ours were. We had all been in to see her except for Simon, I wasn't really sure if he wanted too or not. 

"Simon, did you want to see her? You don't have too." 

"It would be disrespectful not too. I think your mother and I have grown a relationship over time, so I will." 

I leaned up as he stood up and stretched. 

"If that's okay with your father." He said, asking for permission. 

"Of course, son." My father smiled at his respectfulness. 

I could tell Simon was a bit taken back by my father calling him son, but he appreciated it and felt welcomed. I watched Simon disappear into the room as we waited. 



(I know I don't do Simon's pov but I will be for this moment as I think knowing the shareable bond between him and his mother in law is important at this time!) 

I sat down on the chair next to her, as much as I hated being around dying family members due to personal reasons, I had too do this for her and for Y/N.

"Simon?" She asked in a whisper

"Hey." I responded

"I didn't think you would see me." 

"Of course I would. You're family." Those own words coming out of my mouth really hit, I've never really had family, other than the group and being married to my amazing wife.

"I am so very thankful that you're the man my daughter chose to marry." 

I stayed silent as she continued.

"Her father and I were both unsure if she would every find someone genuine, someone that would care for her with love. Even though we really disliked her being in such dangerous situations, hearing the way you protected her had made us feel so much hope for her. We judged you quite harshly at first, and I will always apologize for the way we did. After getting to know you more, we didn't have to worry. You are the man our daughter has needed, I can't thank you enough for what you do for her." 

She took a deep breath,

"Can you make me a promise..?" She cleared her throat.

"I can." I responded, everything I heard was honestly the first time I've ever heard appreciation from someone I called my mother. It was all so new, it was a weird feeling, I'm not sure if I liked or disliked, but it made me feel.. safe?

"Promise me that.. you'll always care for Y/N, and protect your child." 

"I promise. I would do that no matter what." I said.

Her hand came up to my face and cupped my cheek. It was odd, but I sat still.

"Thank you Simon. You are my son." She said with a tear. 
Her hand fell down my face as she rested it back on the bed. 

You are my son. Those words repeated in my head. You, are, my, son. 

A knock at the door followed by the doctor as he entered.

"I apologize for disrupting, I would like to speak with everyone outside once you're done."

I stood up and exited the room. 


I watched the Doctor and Simon exit the room, Simon sat down next to me as he rubbed my hand.

"Putting Mrs.Piers on Palliative Sedation is highly recommended to help decrease her suffering during death. We cannot put her on Palliative Sedation without the consent of her biological family." 

I looked at my father who had nodded.

"She's dying. I want my wife to have a peaceful death." 

As much as I hated imagining it, this was real. I had agreed and so did Soap. Seeing my mother suffering really hurts me. 

"Alright. I'll just need you to sign this here." The doctor handed my father the paperclip as he signed it. 

"The nurses will come and put her on the Sedation. After it is confirmed you'll all be allowed to enter the room. The process can last within 24 to 48 hours, there will be a nurse checking in here and there to ensure everything is going smoothly. You may stay as long as you wish, but I would like to warn you that at any time within those 24 to 48 hours, she will pass away, and it can be unexpectedly. If a nurse is not there at the time of death, there is the button that's active next to the bed, please press it. This can often be a very heavy impact for family to witness the death, so we do recommend you to be removed from the room before 24 hours, although we cannot force you too." 

All the information was so hard to take in and just grasp. We thanked the doctor and he left. We waited, watched the nurses enter, exit, confirm the Sedation and we then stayed overnight in her room, giving her as much love as possible. She was unconscious, it was the hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life. 

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